Thursday, October 27, 2022

A Parade...

Democrats and those on the Left generally believe that Republicans have been hipppmotizzzed by Donald J. Trump and are following him slavishly wherever he goes.  Like the SS storm troopers did for Hitler back during WW2.  Certainly Liz ("I hate The Donald!") Cheney thinks so.  She and they would be quite wrong, of course, because she and they stopped conferring with their constituents.  They are completely, unabashedly, remarkably, continually wrong.  

Picture, if you will, a scenario that goes more like this...

Picture a nice, sunny Summer morning in beautiful downtown Manhattan, USA.  It's July, 2015, and Donald J. Trump steps out into the middle of 5th Avenue and starts walking.  Sensing something, he looks over his shoulder and sees...a parade!  A parade of tens of thousands right behind him, marching down 5th Avenue.  A parade of pissed off taxpayers, demanding of change in the way their Government treats them, and in how their money's spent.  And so long as he's walking in front of him, they'll keep walking behind.  

Get it?

They wanted the policies he espoused.  They were waiting for a savior to finally espouse the Conservative principles by which they live their daily lives, and want their Country to run as well.  They wanted the Government off their necks, and out of their businesses, and their wallets, and their bedrooms.  They wanted an end to the Regulatory State, and the guy at the front of the parade that day promised to deliver it.  

And then he did.

They were willing to overlook his bombastic, loud, rude, often insufferable personality traits because he was on their side.  Finally!  Somebody on their side!  And he proved it by forcing through legislation that actually lowered our taxes for the first time in more than two decades.  

(Don't believe the Democrats when they tell you the Trump tax cuts benefitted the rich unfairly.  They didn't.  They lie.  Like a rug.)  

And he opened our oil and gas energy resources.  He opened fracking both on and off shore.  His doing so brought gas prices down to an average of $2.46 a gallon when O'Biden took office.  Oh, and our inflation rate was 2.1% back then.  You didn't need a mortgage to buy a new car.  You could afford to eat.  Your babies had formula.  Putin wasn't threatening nuclear war. 164,000,000 Americans were employed, equaling 64% of our work force, an all-time high.  People were happy.  

Back to the point.  The "people," those previously happy folks who O'Biden derisively calls the "Mega Maga Trickle Downs," whatever the Hell that means, aren't following Trump.  They're following what Trump did for them, and they hope might do again.  And the more those on the Loud Left scream, the more likely that "parade" will continue.  And grow.  As it is growing right now.  And will continue to grow until The People get their way...      

Down 5th Avenue.  And down Main Streets all over America...     

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