Monday, June 17, 2024

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

As you no doubt know, the end of the Meheeeeekan-America War was Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed back in 1848.

It was not "Cinco de Mayo," which was nothing more than a creation of tequila makers.  That date celebrated the fact that the Meheeeeekans were attacked by a bunch of Germans and ultimately got their as*es kicked.  Whoopie.

Anyway, Meheeeeeko brought us into the "Mexican-American War," which is why they got their name first on the "War-" thing.  So we went ahead and kicked their as*es, just as the Germans had.  Didn't know what him 'em, even with Pancho Villa on their side.  

Don't mess with Texas, and all that.  And don't mess with 'Murica, and all that!  At least that was that case back then...

So the question was, how much of what was then Mexico should America have taken?  As the "Spoils of war."  We could have taken everything, the entire country, if we wished!  And it was a big country.  Personally, I would have left them with a taco stand in beautiful (!) downtown Tiajowanna.  

You declare war with me and mine and we're gonna' peel you like a grape.

Meheeeeko stretched all the way up past San Franpoopco, back then, and all the way across what's now Nevada and Utah, all of Arizona, and a big chunk of Colorado, Kansas, New Meheeeeeko and Tejas.  

That's what they called Texas back then.  

In other words, about one-quarter of America.  But we decided, being the good guys that we are, to take only that area North of the Rio (not so) Grande River.  Which is redundant.  Apparently we weren't aware that one day massive cartels would run Meheeeeeeeeko, and be charging an average of $8,000 each to ferry illegal aliens across our waste-deep Border from any of 196 countries. 

Which is all of them, BTW.

So instead of having M-60 .30 caliber machine gun emplacements every 50 yards all the way across our Border with Panama, preventing anyone from entering from anywhere, anyone, we have to defend 1,749 miles of Border, from Brownsville, Tejas, to San Diego, Taxifornia.  

And we have governors along the way who are either dead set against unfettered illegal immigration, such as Texas, or all for it.  As in our BoyGuv (Hairgod) Newsom's case, "Bring me your seriously illegal so we can shower them with goodies.  Free food and clothing and rent and $Cash and mental health assessments and legal assistance from our army of Left-wing lawyers and all the friggin' education they can possibly use.  And all they have to do is vote Democrat.  Early and often."

Ya' get it?

So when you're getting drunk on Cinco de Mayo next Spring, thinking you're celebrating Meheeeeeko's day of independence, you'd be wrong.  The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed into effect on February 2nd, 1848.  So, you could either hold up a sign and picket in front of your fave Meheeeeeekan restaurant next Cinco de Mayo, or you could just go ahead and get smacked on February the Secundo, ALSO.  

That would be me... 

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