Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Have You Noticed?

Have you noticed that up-and-coming movie "startlets" and aging "stars" tend to take off their clothes when they're on the way up...and then again when they're on the way down?

And that the amount of talent a starlet possesses is often directly proportional to her bra size?   


And that trying to sell tickets to some of their concerts gets ever tougher when they're older than sin and the tickets now average $500?

And have you noticed that the ads on TV for weight loss products have mostly disappeared now that the cost of food has skyrocketed?  You tend to drop those lbs when you can't afford to eat!  Nomsayin'?

And speaking about food, have you noticed that folks would rather pay a $fortune to get Ozempic shots so they could lose weight, while still stuffing their fat faces?  When they could simply eat less instead?  And save $Yuuuge on food costs?  Oh yeah, and they discover those Oz shots make them deathly ill and cause explosive diarrhea?  Which may be why they lose weight?

It's sort of like the "Chuckmeister's Smoking Cessation/Weight Loss Program."  Have you heard of that?  You show up at Fortress Chuckmeister on Monday morning at 8:00 a.m.  I lock you in a closet.  You get bread and wa wa 3x a day.  You get sprung on Friday afternoon at 5:00.  You no longer smoke.  Plus, you've lost lots of weight!  It's like a side effect!  Sort of like weight loss is a side effect of Ozempic shots!  Which is a drug for diabetes.  You knew that, right?  

Ozempic Oshmempic!  

Damn!  That's so good I'm gonna' have to raise my prices for that little Program of mine.  It was $5.00 a day.  Now?  Pulleeeeze!

And lastly, have you noticed that despite Hollywierd's solid support for all things transgender, they've as yet failed to cast an "other" as a female lead in a movie?  Wouldn't that be interesting?  To see some 6' 3" movie hunk guy kissing a 6 '5" movie hunk "girl?"  With the only way to differentiate between the two is that one is wearing a dress?  Oh yeah, and the other one has a lump in "her" panties?

Plus, the audience, not wishing to appear anti-gay no doubt, and after nervously looking at one another for guidance and support, would stand and applaud.  


I'm guessing Disney would do it.  After 8 failures at the box office in a row, costing it and its stockholders more than $One Billion Dollars, I doubt they'll give up.  That "woke" stuff is hard to kick once it's grabbed ahold of you.  Disney has helped to chase away movie fans like me in droves.  Do you think people might finally return to the theaters to see such a, ummm, "display?"  

So even if you're not yet as old as dirt, you could observe things like you are.  And know exactly when they're trying to blow smoke up your a*s.  Just look real hard at the crap being shoveled your way and make notes.  Like I do...

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