Monday, June 3, 2024

How America Lost Iran.

If you were born much after 1980, you probably have no idea why Iran hates us so much.  And our little buddy Israel.  And wants so badly to kill us both.

Why do they continually fund and supply various proxy groups to try and destabilize Israel and cause mayhem for us in the Middle East?  Why they're trying to build a nuclear weapon so they can blow us all up and get to see Mohammed and those 92 virgins a tad bit sooner.  You'd probably like to know the answer to those questions, right?    

Well, Fellow Patriot, I'm here to provide it.*  

On January 16th, 1979, Shah Mohamed Reza Pahlavi abdicated Iran's Peacock Throne and flew into history.  That was a Throne he'd occupied since 1941, when his father died.  And although a Sunni Muslim, he Westernized Iran.  Its women wore the finest French fashions.  They paraded around on the boulevards without head coverings, with legs showing.  Its lovely beaches were enjoyed by both men and women, together.  The Shah adopted Western laws and values in a sea of Arab nations hostile to America.  

Moreover, Iran had been a friend to and for America for decades.  It purchased more than 100 F-4 Phantoms, for example, and $Billions in other military aid.  All that infuriated those who believe you should be kept in poverty while bowing 5 times a day to Mecca.  So Iran was secure with America providing support.  

Until Jimmy Carter became President, that is.

Iran's minority Shia Muslims had been clamoring for power for decades.  They sponsored many armed uprisings and bombings.  And the Shah had imprisoned so many of them that Carter's Left-wing became alarmed.  They thought he should be nicer to those who wanted to kill him.  And they wanted Carter to micromanage Iran's minority just like they do with O'Biden's micromanaging Israel's.  

Just like today, Carter wanted to placate his Left Wing.  And just like today, he had a loud and nasty one.

And then the Shah contracted cancer.  His grip on power was fading.  And he needed medical care.  He wanted to receive that care at the Houston Medical Complex in the U. S. of A.  The very largest in the world.  While still retaining his power.

Carter was afraid of the backlash from the AOC's of his day and wouldn't allow him to come here for treatment.  So the Shah abdicated his Throne.  And proceeded to travel to various countries, hopscotching from place to place, trying to find one to provide him and his family shelter.  The President of Mexico finally relented and allowed the Shah to rest in Cuernavaca.  The Shah later travelled to Egypt, where he died in 1981.      

And mere moments after Pahlavi lifted off from Tehran, Shah Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini landed.  And assumed the dictatorship of Iran.  And he and his hard-line Shia crowd has been keeping his population in bondage ever since.  The women may not go to school, they are owned by their husbands, they must cover themselves from head to toe, and may not speak without permission.  

So the folks who are so worried about abortion rights refused to support basic human rights for our friends.  Friends we needed then, and need even more now.  All of that all could have been avoided.  And so could the saber-rattling we're now living through.  And the possible descent into World War Three.

Do you see any parallels between Carter and O'Biden?  No matter what you thought of Reagan, he had a spine.  And he protected America.  O'Biden could have prevented Iran from becoming stronger, but he gave them the $Billions they needed to stay in power and continue to fund terrorism.  And he could prevent Israel from becoming weaker.  But he hasn't, and he likely won't.  Because he has no spine.

O'Biden's "Two-State Solution:"  Michigan and Wisconsin...

As the famed Irish philosopher George Santayana once said, "Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to to repeat it."  Perhaps our lawmakers need a little remedial reading assignment...

Like I said, if you'd like to know who exactly caused the problems in the Middle-East, and who could stop them, right now, but won't, it's the Democrats and their flawed leadership.

You have the power of the vote.  Be sure to use it wisely.  

*  BTW, this was all done from memory so forgive me if I get a date wrong.  But the facts are right.  And right there for all to see.  I was gifted with an excellent memory.  Which, if things turn to sh*t, like now, can sometimes be prove to be an affliction...

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