Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Can Our Vets "Identify" as Homeless?

We've been told we can "identify" as a girl if we're a boy, or a boy if we're a girl.  And we can "identify" as Black if we're White.  Or White if we're Black.  Or a dog or a cat should we feel "furry."  But that leads me to ask, can we "identify" as a resident of America if we live if Fuggetaboutitstan?  Seems like we can, now that Umpteen Milllion illegal aliens from 156 countries have come to visit.  Permanently.  And can we then "identify" as homeless?  

I just read that a new 19-story luxury highrise apartment building will be opening soon, with the intent to exclusively house the homeless.

Yes, that's right.  A 275-apartment, high-tech highrise in the midst of Skid Row.  That's the very worst sh*t hole in an entire gigantic sea of sh*t in what used to be Los Angeles.  Before it became "Lost" Angeles.  And again, it will open for 300 or so of Lost Angeles' enormous army of the homeless.  Exclusively.  

How nice for them.

The Project is anticipated to cost more than $165,000,000, that's with an "M," with financing provided by the LA Housing Department (that's you and me), State housing funds (that's you and me), and $56 Million in State Tax Credits (that's you and me).  Oh yeah, you'll be pleased to learn that this is no el cheapo deal here.  No, no!  Each unit is expected to come in at just about $600,000.  A 19-story luxury highrise apartment building in the heart of a toilet.  A slum.  In the heart of Crimeville.

What could possibly go wrong?*

Let's be sure we all understand the gravity of this situation.  California has attracted 181,500 of America's homeless (courtesy HHS).  Fully one-third of the entire Country's supply.  No doubt due to our fabulous weather.  And the fact that our BoyGuv Newsom (we call him "Hairgod") has explicitly invited people from all over the world to please break in and take our land and our wealth. 

And while all this is going on, might I mention that 39,000 of our Veterans wil be sleeping  on the streets of California's cities tonight?  

Having been completely ignored by Government, wouldn't it behoove our Vets to shed thier homeless status and adopt that of illegals?  To get free rent and free food and free clothing and free transportation and a free phone?    

So here's what you do.  Just drive on down to Otay Mesa, walk across, have a nice cool margarita, then turn around and come back.  Except this time add a "Z" to your last name, tug on the shirtsleeve of the nearest Border Guard and "identify" as being from Fumundastan.  And you "identify" as being a pregnant latina, coming to Hairgod's California to get a free abortion.  Oh, and you "identify" as homeless and want desperately to live in a 19-story Lost Angeles highrise. 

Then you'll get all the goodies our newly arrived, but uninvited Border-hoppers get; an air, train or bus ticket anywhere, a credit card pre-loaded with nice $Cash to keep body and soul together, legal assistance, housing, clothing, SNAP cards and all the free education us Taxpayers can buy for them.  

I ask again: Why shouldn't a homeless Vet qualify for at least the same welfare as we give to future Democrats?  

Oh, I'm sorry, never mind.  I answered my own question...  

*   Remember Cabrini Green in Chicago?  Yep, they spent more than $1 Billion Dollars back in the '80's constructing instant slums.  There were 4 highrise apartment buildings built in the middle of a slum.  Where people were getting shot all day, every day.  And they're still getting shot there!  But at least now the drug dealers can ply their trade indoors, out of the rain and the awful Chicago weather.  There's always that...

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