Friday, June 7, 2024

On a "Glide-Slope."

As a certified gunsmith, graduate sociologist, professional pool shark of world renown, (in)famous humorist, almost certified-clinical psychologist, racer of fast cars (AHRA, SCCA), self-appointed Scribe Without Portfolio, impressive vocabularian, would-be political scientist, pretend journalist, famed sharpshooter, father of four gorgeous and accomplished daughters, and Bigfoot Hunter of the First Magnitude (without ever having caught one), I've developed some opinions. 

(One of my better sentences, I trust you'll agree.) 

Opinions borne of decades of treading upon this Earth.  And paying attention to the goings on around me.  Which gives me an occasional opinion worth listenting to.  And I share one or two of those opinions with my Fellow Patriots from time to time through this humble little blog.  

And this is one of those times...

America has been on a "glide-slope" to socialism since Woodrow Wilson was given the tiller.  Better than 100 years ago now.  All this stuff is history, BTW.  And I'd welcome your keeping me honest on any and every fact.

Anyway, he was elected our President back in 1912.  He came from one of those big Ivy League schools before that.  And since we've been able to see what goes on behind the scenes at our "prestigious" Ivy League schools lately, his coming from Princeton to the White House should tell you all you need to know about what he wanted to do, and then did, to America.

Wilson was our very first "Progressive."  He was anti-capitalism as only Bhraman Liberals can be, and he brought that pervasive view to the White House.  That "camel got his nose under the tent" way back then.  The removal of God from our schools and our courthouses began with him.  The seeds of control over those same schools by gargantuan teachers unions began with him.  And civil service unions as well.  The constant pandering to minorities and the poor, began with him.  And then conditioning them to expect it, began with him.  And "Progressive" taxation, that cancer forcing the productive half of our Country to carry the unproductive half, 


As I said, we were on a "Glide-Slope."  Like an airliner cruising at 30,000 feet, preparing to home in on the chosen airport's radio beacon.  Once acquired, all the pilot has to do is flick a switch and let the autopilot do all the work.  And it will, flying 800,000 pounds of aluminum hauling 400 people until the plane reaches the "outer marker."  That's just beyond the airport's runway.  At which point the pilot takes over control once again and flies the plane for that last 100 verticle feet or so until touchdown.

Like the "Parable of the Frog."   Not familiar with that?  If you were to toss a frog into a pot of boiling water, he would surely hop right back out.  But if you were to place a frog into a nice warm pot of water, and then turn up the heat, ever so slowly, until it boiled, that frog would turn a bright red.  Because he's too dumb to know any better.  He's too dumb to know he's being played.

We are that frog.  

From working for ourselves with the Gubmint's help, to working for the Gubmint, and hoping to take home a few table scraps it might accidently leave behind.  

In short, the more the productive makes, the more the Gubmint takes.  And then redistributes.  For votes.   

And now O'Biden's promised not to renew the Trump Tax Cuts when they sunset next year.  That reinstates old tax laws that will bring in more than $3 Trillion New Dollars to the Treasury.  And cost the average family more than $3,700 a year.  

Let's hear again about nobody getting taxed with under $400,000 of income?   

Those born after about 1980 have no idea what it was like back in the real, true "America."  The America for which many of us fought and a lot of us died.  The America filled with that "can-do" attitude.  A place where everyone was free, and no one messed with that freedom.  Where we had few laws and fewer Gubmint servants to try and enforce them.  We worked hard for our money, and kept so much of it we didn't even consider taxes an issue.  They were just "there," and that was that.

Remember, our first tax Wilson imposed on us was for 2% on the very "rich" back in the 1920's.  And that was an income of more than $700,000 a year, when $700k was like $FordyLebenJilliun!

Until the Johnson and Carter Administration's taught us that Big Gubmint was not our friend.  It was to be feared!  It had grown so big that it now controlled us, versus the other way around.  Remember those gas lines?  You could only fill up only on alternate days.  And I bought my first house under Carter.  I had to pay 11.5%!  

America, in my humble opinion, is now infested with an elite, Governing class.  Believe it or not, there are more than 2,100,000 Gubmint "servants" in Washington, D.C.!  And 90% of them are paid more than $100,000 a year!  They're the real "Gubmint."  Because they were there before our elected leaders arived, and, no matter how long they may stay, the real government will be there long after they leave.  And they spend money like they have a printing press.  

Because they do.  They print another $1,000,000 every 11 seconds.

Here's an example: Do we really need a "Department of Education?"  For which more than 4,600 people in D.C. are employed?  With an annual budget of $68 Billion?  That's with a "B?"  

We have District school boards for every 11 - 27 schools, on average.  We have County boards of education to look over each District's shoulder, making sure they do what the Taxpayer expects and the law requires.  Expecially since about 55% of all property taxes go to our schools.

Did you know that?

And we have State boards to ride herd on the counties' operations.  California's Board of Education, for example, employees 2,740 with an annual budget of $84.6 Billion.  Can you tell me why, with all these people looking over the shoulders of all those other people, why are our graduation rates so awful?  

The LAUSD, that's Lost Angeles "Unified" School District, the largest school district in all of America, oversees 565,479 students in and 24,759 teachers more than 1,000 schools.  It also has the very largest budget in the entire Country at $6,297,000,000 a year.  Also with a "B."  Yet, they graduate only 44% of their students.  Less than half.  The biggest school district in America with the very worst grad rates.  And it's been that way for years.  With nobody doing a thing about it.  Hundreds of thousands of failed kids roaming the streets.  Is that the very best we can expect?

Where do those parents go for a refund?  

Yep, like I said, we were on a "Glide Slope."  And then Donald J. Trump came down that golden escalator.  And turned up the heat too rapidly under that "frog."  And a bunch of us "frogs" jumped out of that pot, and stayed out.  And the entrenched governing "elite" went positively insane.  

Now they've whipped up a mob and metaphorically lynched The Donald.  They've turned a paperwork misdemeanor whose statute of limitations had expired into 34 felonies.  With the actual crime no one can seemingly name.  Nor wants to.  A clear 6th Amendment violation if there ever was one.  Which the Democrats believe will help them, because they can now label him a "convicted felon."  They believe that will end him.  It won't.  It will result in the coming together of the entire Republican Party.

If it were up to me, I'd paint "Convicted Felon" on the side of his plane.  It's such a farce we could use some comedy...

In fact, we've been forced into becoming a "Tribal Society" by O'Biden and his gang of socialists.  The "reddist" states have become redder, and the bluest states...are starting to become red.  Those of us who can see reality, who have a healthy dose of common sense, especially those who deign to watch a broad swath of our news channels and then decide for ourselves what we should believe, have decided to circle the wagons and prepare for troubles ahead.  

And trust me, there will be even more troubles ahead.

I hope they're happy with themselves.  The bozos running things in D.C. have done their best to transform America from the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, to the Land of the Paranoid and the Home of the Uncomfortable.  And it's up to our voters to decide whether we stay that way...       

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