Sunday, June 23, 2024

Are We Devolving as a Society?

I can say for sure that there were no transgender folks in my high school when I was growing up.  Nor my hometown.  Nor my county.  Not that there's anything wrong with that!  

In fact, there were no transgenders anywhere.  The term "transgender" was only coined in San Franpoopco back in the late 1960's, as a protest against the police.  And it's an escape from societal norms that's expanding to this day.  

Except they've been smart enough to sidle up next to those "LGB" folks, and join in on the fun.  That's "Lesbians," "Gays," and "Those Who Cannot Make Up Their Minds." 

Thus, we then had "LGBT."  Creating then a vacuum into which the other anti-social oddities were drawn.  As we've learned.  And then others who've decided to color outside the lines brought their particular fetish or brand of weirdness to the group and added their unique "Initial."    

In fact, just finding out how many transgenders there are is tough.  Health and Human Services tells us that 1.7% of our population is transgender.  I'm sure they're trying to minimize the number.  Other Federal agencies put the number as high as 3%.  And the "Lesbian and Gay Alliance" puts the number at 5%.  I've read it could be up to 8%.   That means as many as 20 Million people are representing themselves as transgender, whether they are or not.

And fully one-third of all transgenders are gay, we're also told.  By them.  So they're fully entrenched in that "LGBTQ2TIA++" thing now.  Can you imagine a convention of these folks?  So the Bottom Line:  Two-thirds of the 15 or 20 million people who present themselves as transgender aren't gay, and one-half of them aren't even transgender.

And even though Ronald Reagan doesn't have his own holiday, nor John F. Kennedy, nor Dwight D. Eisenhower, the guy who won WW2, the transgender folk are being celebrated all month long.  So all you have to do to be celebrated is to be confused about your sexuality.  The parts and pieces you were born with don't work for you any more and so you have your own month.  It's now "Transgender Awareness Month."  You've no doubt grown weary of seeing that on your TV all day long.  

And then there's also "Transgender Happiness Month" all month in San Franpoopco.  And "Transgender Day of Visibility." in North Hollywood.  San Fran also has their "CITP" Program.  That's "Consideration for Immigrant Trans People."  Such a nice gesture!  They offer $1,200 a month for 18 months for any "Newcomer" (illegal alien) who breaks into the U.S.A. from any of those 196 countries flooding our Southern Border.  Imgine that!  They pay you to break our laws!

Almost makes you want to join in with that group pretending to be trans in order to get some financial benefit, right?  Especially since being trans is pretending, right?  I mean, they're handing out goodies, why not get in line?  Especially if you're a Veteran.  For whom there is no recognition or awareness nor consideration at all.  You're completely invisible to these people so very busy virtue signaling.  Just put on a dress and some 3" heels and a nice wig and you'll be set for life!  Like about 10 million of your fellow soon-to-be citizens...

But God help you if you give any of them grief.  Just let them live out their lie in front of those who know they're lying.  And assuage their uber-Liberal leanings in the process.  Plus, reap the many $Rewards.  Otherwise, you'll get arrested for some bogus civil rights complaint and wind up in jail.  While they're getting elected to Congress.   

And so, Fellow Patriots, we went from no transgenders to 20 million of them.  Are we devolving as a polite society?  I'll leave the answer to you...

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