Sunday, April 7, 2024

Tax The Rich!!!

There's are certain things that we poor citizens hear on a continuing basis from our Democrat politicians.  They are, "Ban assault weapons!"  And "Abortion until the very second of birth!"  And, "Buy electric cars!"  And, "The economy is wonderful!"  And "Transgenders built our Country!"  And, "Gas is cheap!"  And also, 

                   tax the rich."

Those interminable bleatings would cause one to believe that our "rich" are undertaxed.  As in, they're keeping too much of our money.  Do you believe that?  If so, I'm guessing you sit on your hands and knees in front of your Telly and watch MSNBC all day and all night.  Or perhaps CNN.  And PBS and NPR and the "Alphabets."  Those channels make it a point to avoid telling you some inconvenient facts (OMISSION), while continually misleading you about others (COMISSION).

Let's talk a bit about those evil "rich" people we're supposedly under-taxing.  First, the Top 1% of our wage-earners here in 'Murica pay 29% of all taxes collected.  Did you know that?   

The Top 2%?  Sure.  It's 37%.  The Top 5% pays 41%.  And the Top 10%?  Yep, Fellow Patriots, the Top 10% pays fully 45% of all our taxes.  One in ten...pays half our taxes.  And Joe O'Biden, our Mumbler-in-Chief, believes they don't pay enough.  

So the next time you see your lawyer or doctor or banker drive by in his shiny new $100,000 Regina Juggernaut, just remember he's paying your freight.  

And get this:  49.5% of all Americans avoid paying income all!  "Free riders," they're called.  While we've been driving the bus, they've been riding in it...for free!  And they get to vote just like we taxpayers do!  Like childless couples trying to tell us parents how to raise our kids!

Wait a minute.  Do I hear somebody out there in InternetLand who disbelieves my pronunciamentos?  Really?  Don't you know that I scrupulously research every statistic I offer you, my Fellow Patriots?  And in more than 15 years writing this unassuming little blog, I've never been found wanting.  Just thought I'd pass that along.

So in furtherance of the unfairness of our current "Progressive" tax system,* let's assume for a moment you've just designed the newest and best video game, ever.  So you get hired by a game company at $1,500,000 a year.  One Point Five Million!  A bundle of dough, yes?  You're now rich, yes?  And even though you've voted Democrat all your young life, and believe that every Republican is evil, you'll now get to breathe rarified air.  Like those filthy Republicans.  

Oh but wait!  You live in Taxifornia and you're about to learn why it's earned that name.  From your $1,500,000, here are your current deductions:

       -  $513,164 - Federal Income Taxes

       -  $184,557 - CA State Income Taxes

       -      $9,114 - Social Security 

       -    $33,450 - Medicare

       -      $1,604 - State Disability 

          $741,886 - Total CA Taxes

So you make a $Million Five and you get to keep less than half that.  Because you live in the State with the very highest taxes, and in a Country run by incompetent politicians.  Still think the "rich" don't pay their "fair share?"  

And on the way out the Digital Door, the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) has apparently won the war it's waged against McDonalds and all the other big franchisors.  It spent more than $60 Million of its Members' union dues over the past 12 years to try and break the franchisor/franchisee model.  When it couldn't, it learned all it had to do was give our BoyGuv Newsom a suitcase full of campaign cash.    

Now, beginning workers at chain stores are earning $41,600 a year!  $20 an hour!  Ain't that grand!  Now those same employees, who qualified for all sorts of Federal, state and local aid before their 25% windfall, will now be forced to pay union dues!  And oh yeah, State and Federal income taxes!  And the rent and free food and childcare assistance previously enjoyed.  Which will leave them looking at their pay stubs the same way our video gamer looks at his; they'll get screwed just like he did.

A stark realization will come when these tens of thousands of newly-"rich" employees learn they'll be keeping less.  All while their employers are laying off staff, shortening operating hours, investing in automation, losing customers due to necessary price increases, or just giving up and going home...

*   Our Federal tax codes are anything but "Progressive."  They are regressive in every sense.  Think about it:  We are systematically punishing success by fining those who attain it!  And the better they do the deeper we reach in their pockets.  We should leave their money with these winners so they'll hire more employees and generate more taxes.  Get it?

BTW, thanks a lot for reading the drivel I put forth.  I know it's a one-way conversation, but you can and should talk back.  Let me know your opinions about my opinions.  Good or bad.  I assure you, I'm grizzled enough to take it...

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