Thursday, April 11, 2024

Josef Goebbels Would Be So Proud!

Imagine if Adolph Hitler had managed to get his citizens to willingly submit, actually self-select, the propaganda he was spewing their way?  The beliefs he needed them to adopt in order for him to turn Deutschland from a nascent, post-War democracy and into a fascist dictatorship?  In less than a decade?     

All I can say is, Josef Goebbels would be proud!

I think you know that I, The Chuckmeister, your Scribe Without Portfolio, am the guy who's dedicated to bringing you the unfiltered facts on any subject worth unfiltering.  And one of those facts is the news we as a society decide to consume.  And we decide, since nobody's holding a gun our heads.


Back in the 1930's, Hitler instructed his Minister of Information, one Herr Josef Goebbels, to use disinformation to convince the public that life sucked under their then Chancellor.  And that guns were bad and folks should willingly give them to the state.  And that all the ills they were suffering were the fault of the Jews.  And that they should welcome him as the Second Coming.

So what has changed, again?*

And once the public was disarmed, he threatened to shoot them if they didn't buy in to his continuing propaganda.  Like they do in Cuba.  And China.  And in North Korea.  Because their socialist/Marxist/communist governments had taken away their guns, and they could no longer fight back.  

We're not quite there yet, but if people keep self-selecting the socialist propaganda the Democrat Party keeps shoveling their way at the ballot box, we soon will. 

And I have to believe it's those self-same people who are choosing to watch our most Liberal TV channels.  Only!  The MSNBC's and the CNN's and the PBS's and the NPR's.  And of course the ABC's and the CBS's and the NBC's.  Guaranteed to give you one side of every issue, every day all day long. 

Imagine being so damn dumb as to Choose to limit themselves to only one side of every issue!  

And of course the New York Times and the Washington Post and the Chicago Tribune and the Lost Angeles Times.  All marinating their Liberal viewers and readers in a mixture of socialism, Marxism and full-on communism.  All day, and all night. 

Only the very most Liberal, and even "Progressive" side of every issue will be reported, or presented.  Remember, there are errors of "OMISSION," not reporting an "inconvenient" story, one that might help Trump, for instance, as well as "COMMISSION," by presenting factually inaccurate information (lying).

Would they do that?  Yes they would.  

On any given evening, just over 1,000,000 of your fellow citizens will choose to watch MSNBC.  During so-called "peak" hours, the 25 - 54 demographic so in vogue these days.  That's the demographic advertisers are seeking.  The ones who pay Big Bucks to advertise their dog food and their pharmaceuticals and their cars and their their shampoo. 

Ahhhh, but some 2,600,000 folks just like you are watching Fox News on an average evening (about 38% of them are Democrats, BTW!).  More than twice as many.  Seeking to be educated by Fox' professional journalists.  And their contributors.  Where you can expect every subject with more than one side will always be represented by an expert, on each side.  And although Fox is branded as leaning Right, there will always be someone representing the Left in any debate.  Like one would expect real journalism to include. 

And then you, Mr. and Mrs. and Mzzz. America, can decide for yourself what to think and what to believe.  What a concept! 

(Can't do that on MSPMS.  They shut off his feed when Big Orange begins to offer a differing perspective.  Or even his nomination acceptance speech.  Oh, the humanity!)

And lastly, CNN brought in a miniscule 605,000 viewers.  Half as many as their ideological sister channel, MSNBC.  And less than the Home and Garden Channel, BTW.  Or the History channel.  Or A&E.  Or the Outdoor Channel.  This must weigh heavily on the tiny minds of its "leaders!"  The ones who come and go, making stupid decisions which blow up in their micro-abrased and Botox-relaxed faces.  

I can't get the image of 1,000,000 sad folks plunked down in front of their TV's, slavishly consuming the one-sided blather dished their way from the likes of MSNBC and CNN and PBS 24 hours-per-day.  At least the Microsoft folks, the "MS" in MSNBC, learned early on that the NBC folks were waaay out in left field and ran like bandits to distance themselves.  Leaving any effort toward moderation left aside by this admittedly Liberal channel. 

I think I can sum it up this way:  Listeners to NPR wouldn't know Hunter Biden had a laptop.  Viewers of MSNBC were told the laptop was "Russian disinformation."  CNN's viewers were told there was a laptop, but Hunter's now clean and sober, so it no longer matters.  All while an alarming percentage of our electorate chooses to consume this socialist tripe.  They vote, and they breed.  Josef Goebbels would be so proud...

*   Lemme' see here:  Everything the National Socialists (NAZIS) were for...the Democrat Party is for!  Hmmmm...

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