Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Looking for Some Jews, With BALLS...

Has anyone stopped to think what would happen if the Jews fought back?

I'd like to start by saying the Nationwide marches and protests and sign-waving and flag burning against the Jews and in support of HAMASSSS and the quote-unquote "Palestinians"is pissing me off!  As in,  


It seems the rich in this Country have sent their kids off to pricey institutions of higher learning, to learn...to hate the Jews?  Did they know that when they wrote those Big Checks to Haaavid, and Yale, and Princeton, and Dartmouth?  And especially, Columbia?  $90,000 a year?  Really?  For what?  For this?

As one of the more than 1.7 Million Veterans who's worn the uniform and carried a gun in defense of this Country and its citizens, I can tell you that if I were near someone who tried to burn our Flag I would smack the sh*t out of them!  However old and crochety I may be, I wield a pretty fair cane!  And trust me, you don't want a caning from The Chuckmeister!

What these ritzy colleges and universities are permitting could unravel America.  It could literally cause a civil war.  A civil war these ignorant fools can never win.  Because we true Americans own all the guns.  Another thing they haven't thought through.  And I'm going to try and prevent that from happening, right here, right now...

According to my research, there are approximately 7.5 Million Jews in America.

Of those, 5.8 Million are adults, and 1.7 Million are children.

We can assume, therefore, that about half that 5.8 Million adults are men, and half are women.  Roughly 2.9 Million Jewish men, unencumbered by a law or M.D. degree, are therefore roaming around the U. S. of A.  Working just like normal folks doing normal things.  And getting royally pissed off just like I am...  

Now then, I don't have the time, effort or energy to count up all the Jewish doctors, and lawyers, and college/university professors there are out there, but I'm guessing it's a big number.  Let's say fully half that 2.9 Million Jewish men are emasculated by virtue of their profession.  Jewish doctors and lawyers probably wouldn't fight all that well or make good snipers, for example.

(My buddy Sam is a Veteran, so I'm excluding him).

I'm wondering whether there's a few hundred thousand Jewish men out there with enough BALLS to defend their faith, their race, their God-given spiritual Fatherland and the concept of America itself?  I know Jewish truck drivers.  I know Jewish electricians.  I know a number of Jewish entrepreneurs.  I even know a Jewish farrier (horseshoer).  They exist.  But I'm wondering whether there's enough Jewish men to take up arms and defend their faith?  Men with real, honest-to-God... 


Annnnd, I might mention there's a few of us other Veterans who'd be willing to Stand Up with our Jewish friends and neighbors.  A few hundred thousand of us, at the very least.  Because they're Americans.  And we're Americans.  And that's what Americans do.

Can you imagine what 500,000 pro-Israeli, pro-Jewish counter-protesters would do to these pantywaist Ivy League students?  

We need these Jews to step up and fight, and protest, to march, to wave signs and banners, and to burn "Palestinian" flags!  To get pissed off!  And to show up in such formidable numbers that you scare the crap out of them!  They're just a bunch of bullies anyway, and we can rub their noses in it!  We'll scare them off the battlefield.  And back into their classrooms.  Where they can learn some more pricey stuff that obviously doesn't matter.  And the same with their Anti-American and Anti-Jewish professors.  Before it becomes a battlefield.    

And BTW, that situation is not far away...

I see the privileged youth of all the very rich out on the streets yelling vile slogans against their former friends.  "From the river to the sea," calls for the extermination of Israel.  That's the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.  That's like the "N" Word to our Black friends!  Did you know that?  These students have been urged on by TikTok to hate the Jews.  With the strings being pulled by China, no less.  Teaching those who view TikTok that the Jews are the oppressors and the "Palestinians" are the oppressed.  Why?  Because Jews are "White?"  Are our privileged students really that simple?  Yes, it appears they are.

Do they remember when Israel gave the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to the "Palestinians" 25 years ago so that the violence would stop?  To finally buy some peace?  After 50 years of constant war?

The "Palestinians" were given this land so they could build their own state.  Did they teach them that in school?  And so that the "Palestinians" would stop blowing up their pizza parlors and knifing citizens standing at bus stops?  Did they teach them that in school?  And then these same "Palestinians" took the hundreds of $Millions of dollars given them by the countries of the world, including America, and dug tunnels.  And bought rockets.  And hand grenades.  And prepared for war. 

Hey Ivy League students, did they teach you that in school? 

HAMASSSSS says they say they will ultimately win this war.  No matter how long it takes.  And if given the opportunity, they say they'll repeat their atrocities of October 7th over and over again.  Forever.  For they do not want a two-state solution.  They want a "one-state" solution.  They want to push the Jews into the Mediterranean Sea.  That same "Sea" our students are now chanting about.  And our students are their willing stooges.  


The Jews need to learn RIGHT NOW that the war has started, whether they like it or not, and that they are in it.  And that our most prestigious colleges and universities have been co-opted; they've so indoctrinated their students, our children, that we cannot count on them to defend our Jewish friends in the future.  And they'd better start fighting it before it becomes the next Pogrom.  Or even worse, another Holocaust.  And with our current Administration bowing from the ankles to its hard-Left "Progressives," it could happen.  

They could allow it to happen, just to try and win the upcoming Election.

Such is the price of having 500,000 "Palestinians" and  Somalians in Dearborn, Michigan.  Maybe we should have thought about that before we flew Rashita Tlaib and Illhan Omar out of their squalor in the Middle East and into Dearborn.  And then bought them a college education.  With taxpayer money.  So they could be elected to Congress and ruin all our lives.  

I'm sorry to say that one of the reasons the Jews have suffered such horrible treatment down through the eons is because they're such good victims.  They don't fight back much.  Like my best friend told me after October 7th, "It's just another chapter in a 5,000 year old book."  Maybe it's time they write the final chapter in that book.  Maybe it's time their enemies learned the meaning of fear...   

Take up arms!  Teach these ignorant as*holes a lesson!  Make them know there's a price for marching and protesting and hating the Jews.  And burning my FLAG!  And that price should be dear.

This can only happen if the Jews have big enough balls to Stand and Deliver.  And I for one will do anything I can to help them succeed.**

*   There are no "Palestinians."  God gave the land called Judea to the Jews in Genesis 1:13.  He did not give any land to the "Palestinians."  In fact, the "Palestinians" were simply Jordanian Hashemite Arabs that King Hussein kicked out following the partition by the United Nations back in 1948.  The partition that gave Israel back to the Jews.  And immediately ignited a war.  One that's never stopped.  And you know the rest...

**  I'll be happy to train a soldier, a squad, a company, a battalion or a regiment.  If you need to know how to wage a war, call somebody who's helped wage one. Call upon the Chuckmeister... 

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