Thursday, April 25, 2024

Alexis de Toqueville.

One of my favorite people ever was a guy named Alexis de Toqueville.  That's because he loved America.  And so do I.

de Toqueville (1805 - 1859) was a French historian, philosopher, author, economist and statesman.  Plus, a great friend of America.  The then-world's newest nascent democracy.

And since I studied economics, I studied de Toqueville.  This man grew to love America as it was just evolving into the world's foremost (small "d") democracy.  Before it was created as a Representative Republic.  And if you'll recall, France was unseating its monarchy at about that same time, upending 1,000 years of serfdom for its people, so issues of freedom and democracy were uppermost in his thinking.

After studying our Constitution, de Toqueville offered his opinion that America would become so strong that it could only fail if its politicians learned how to buy votes with other voters' money.  And Fellow Patriots... 

...we're there.

Joe O'Biden attempted last year to take $430,000,000,000 of student loan debt off the backs of 43 Million of the folks who borrowed it, and on to the backs of Taxpayers.   

He tried to give $10,000 in debt relief to those making $125,000 or less.  In other words, giving $10k in cash to those who didn't earn it.  He was sued, and the Supreme Court smacked him down.

SCOTUS said O'Biden couldn't just give away money, as that's the purview of our Legislative Branch.  Only the Congress, SCOTUS said, could spend our Taxpayers' cash.  "Separation of Powers" and all that.

Look it up if your education didn't include it...  

But he didn't stop with that illegal, immoral and unconstitutional effort to circumvent the Supreme Court...and our Constitution.  He just authorized the giveaway of $430 Billion (that's with a "B") to 30 million doctors and lawyers and college professors.  Those who promised contractually to pay back the loans they took out to go to med school.  And to law school.  And to journalism school, fergodssake!  While a majority of our taxpayers  didn't.  

They either couldn't afford it, or chose not to afford it.  But now our cranky old POTUS who's yet to find a law he cannot violate, is trying to buy the votes of 30 million elites by saddling other Taxpayers with the $20,000 they had agreed to pay!  

That's not debt forgiveness, that's debt transference!

And, O'Biden also stated he's not through yet!   He says he plans to give away all the rest of it!

The Federal Gubmint, YOUR Federal Gubmint, currently guarantees some $1,600,000,000,000 (that's with a "T") in student loan debt.  One Point Six Trillion Dollars!  And the Mumbler-in-Chief plans to make you and me pay it back.

de Toqueville was right.  He warned us more than two centuries ago, and yet we somehow permitted these thieves to rip us off.  Right here in front of God and everybody.  While our "State Media" refuses to report it.  The very same "Media" our Constitution imbued with special powers.  So they could make sure "We the People" stayed informed.  And to be forewarned against highway robbers stealing money from some of us to give to others of us.  They were chosen to protect us against an abuses such as this.  And yet, they've thrown in with the abusers.  

It just makes me want to puke.

And de Toqueville would want to puke right alongside me.  We've just had our pockets picked, in public.  Rome lasted a long time.  We've lasted even longer.  But how much longer we last, if we last, remains to be seen...

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