Friday, April 19, 2024

"Peace In Our Time"

It was the Fall of 1938.  

Hitler was banging the war drums and the world was getting nervous.  Especially England.  It knew war could be on the horizon.  And it was not ready for that war...

Hitler demanded that Czechoslovakia cede the "Sudentenland" to Germany.  The Sudentenland had belonged to Germany but was taken by the United Nations as reparations in the aftermath of World War One.  And Germany, although flattened by the War, had been required to pay back all the costs incurred by England and America and all the Allied Powers from prosecuting that War.  It was demanded they reimburse us and all the other Allies, when their economy was in tatters.  Their inflation rate at the time was over 100%.  They were dead broke, shamed on the world stage, distrusted by everyone, and rightfully so, and looking for a leader to rescue them from the results of their own excesses.

Enter Adolph Hitler.

Hitler gave Germany hope in WW1's aftermath.  And the feeling that when they got on their feet there'd be Hell to pay by us for so mistreating the Fatherland.  And he was just the guy to handle that task.  To deliver retribution.  So behind the scenes Hitler began building up his military (Germany was prohibited from doing that, but just like with Iran today, no one was paying attention).  He started building war planes.  And submarines.  Hundreds of them.  And war ships.  Chief among them, the world's largest battleship, the Bismarck.  All done in secret (no satellites in those days).  So Germany was just about ready to exact its revenge.  On a world that had pressed them just a little bit too hard...

So Winston Churchill, England's Prime Minister, sent Neville Chamberlain, his diplomatic envoy, to visit Hitler.  To convince him to play nice with his neighbors and stop rattling sabers.  It was September 19, 1938, and Chamberlain went to Berchtesgaden.  To the foot of the Alps.  And then up the winding road to "Eagles Nest," as it was called.*  Hitler had the top of a mountain chopped off so he could build his meeting place away from prying eyes and ears.   

In fact, Churchill sent Chamberlain to visit Hitler 3 times that September, trying to stem the tide of war.  After numerous meetings, Chamberlain believed he had hammered out a deal with Hitler.  Hitler would not invade, he said.  And Chamberlain believed him.

So Chamberlain flew back to England, briefed Churchill, and called a press conference.  He spoke of his meetings will Hitler and did his best to calm the nervous Brits.  And he ended that conference with these fateful words:

         "We will have peace in our time."

As the German philosopher George Santayana once said, "Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it."  And it appears from a look back at history that we are repeating Chamberlain's errors.  Our Secretary of State Blinken has flitted back and forth to the Middle East a dozen times since HAMMASSS killed 1,200 Israelis.  O'Biden was behind Israel all the way at first.  Until he learned that somebody had let 500,000 Palestinian and Somalian Muslims into Dearborn, Michigan.  And that these America haters were going to vote against O'Biden come November unless he stops supporting our oldest and dearest ally.  And that there's a bunch of these same Palestinian lovers in Wisconsin.  So now O'Biden's new "Two State Solution" is Michigan and Wisconsin...

Funny what happens when you don't think things through...

O'Biden's been trying to appease these murderous thugs for 6 months now.  Notice there's nary a mention of our American hostages currently held by HAMASSSS in any address he gives.  Nor the other 100 or so hostages, either.  Only that Bebe should capitulate.  Drop his trousers, and bend over and grab his ankles.  And let HAMMASSSSS break it off in his a*s.  

I somehow doubt that will happen.  Israel just proved last night it can and will exact a toll on Iran any time it wants, and with or without our help.  And I'll support him every step of the way.  Then, the only question will be, "How big are Iran's balls?"

Our POTUS has been trying to convince us that the Jews should just roll over and except the outrage visited upon them.  And it seems a very loud chunk of the Democrat Party is now overtly antisemitic.  And the explosion of Jewish hatred on our elite college and university campuses is dramatic!  And alarming!  Maybe these $90,000 a year institutes of "higher learning" always were antisemitic, and have just been doing their best to hide it.  I'm frankly shocked that they are, but more importantly, that they're dumb enough to publicly exhibit it.

And now that the Iranians have directly attacked Israel, from Iranian territory, O'Biden and his mouthpieces are declaring that we, America, will not support Israel when they respond.  So they responded all by themselves.  Proving that they can and will take care of business, thankyou.  

And proving something else:  If you have a friend like O'Biden, you don't need any enemies...  

*  BTW, I was stationed in Germany, and I visited "Eagles Nest" before they declared it off limits (rock slides, they say).  It's a 2,300 square foot house with no bedrooms, perched atop the tallest Alp in the area, and designed and used entirely for political and military get togethers.  There's an elevator right in the middle of the building, it's only access.  And that elevator is lined in sheet copper and leather and golden light fixtures.   And the 110' tunnel to the elevator was made of curved and polished granite.  I was told they did this so they could spray machine gun fire from the elevator all over in the event the Allies breached their security and tried to invade the tunnel.  Shame it's no longer available to visit.  It's a piece of history, and a reminder that despots should be kept in check.  Like the Ahh-ha-tollah of Iran.  And our own budding despot, one Mr. O'Biden...   

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