Wednesday, April 3, 2024

7 Built, Only 499,993 to Go...

You will all recall, no doubt, that the O'Biden Administration "invested" $7,500,000,000 (with a "B") of your taxpayer money to build 500,000 "PIE" (Plug-In-Electric) car chargers.  Across our fruited plain.  Two and one-half years ago.  

To date, seven have been built.


Only 499,993 to go.

Why have they so indelibly failed at this simple task?  After all, Elon Musk, without the ability to print money, as O'Biden does daily, put 21,852 Supercharger ports on line, as of last January.  Per the U. S. Dept. of Energy.

The money for this boondoggle came from the $1 TRILLION DOLLAR Infrastructure Bill passed by Congress and signed by the Mumbler-in-Chief back in November, 2021.    

The idea behind this electrifying plan was to first force people to buy cars they do not want, which use a propulsion system they do not want.  And then make them pay sometimes twice as much as they pay for "ICE" (Internal Combustion Engine) automobiles.  With 220,000 million of them already in our fleet.  And 120 year history behind them.  

But Nooooooooo!  These Limousine Liberals cooked up some plan to "Save the Planet" from "Global Warming," or some such, and never, ever think past that "Let's just tax the rich some more!"  Or, "Let's just turn the entire auto industry on its ear!  It's only giant chunk of our entire economy!  What could possibly go wrong?"  

I'll just pass along a bit of advice to these wannabe commies.  If you really want to get folks to buy in to this nonsense, you have to first remove "range anxiety" from the equation.  We have 299,854 gas stations in America.  We have fewer than 38,000 charging stations.  And that includes Tesla's.  So building 500k of them is necessary.  

We've built SEVEN!

It's like, they make you pony up a $Trillion Dollars and then don't even bother to follow through and spend it.  They're not only charlatans and pocket-pickers, they're incompetent fools!

It might just be possible for Big Gubmint to act more like a collection of idiotic fools.  I don't know how it could, but since it always have, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.  So far, every single thing O'Biden has done since entering office, everything he's touched...has been wrong.  And I'd bet everything he'll do between now and November 5th, will be wrong.  

We'll let Barry Obama, in his own words, sum it up for you:

"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fu*k things up."  

                                         -  B. Hussein Obama, August 16, 2020.

Can't really improve on that, Barry. Be sure to charge up your Fisker before you leave home...  


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