Tuesday, December 12, 2023

No More Mr. Nice Guy!

I wonder what would happen if there were roving gangs of Jews, all tatted up, 13 zippers on their leather jackets, terrorizing neighborhoods, torching businesses and courthouses, pillaging and plundering, shooting their guns in the air and taking anything they wanted, from anyone they wanted?

Like Antifa and Black Lives Matter does?  Routinely?  At will?  Without any fear of recrimination?  And the question we'd have to ask, is...


I think what would happen is, those of us who are professional pantywaists, afraid of their own shadows, like nearly everyone under 40, would quiver in fear and run for the exits.  Perhaps to once again take up Jew-baiting as their preferred past-time, when once again safe from their wave of terror.

I've got to say,

it's 1938 all over again.

You'll notice none of these "Progressive" pukes are criticizing the Black gangs on the South side of Chicago?  The ones that kill an average of 14 and injure more than 45 every weekend?  Like MS-13, for instance.  Even though every Congressweenie knows full well who and what what MS-13 is, they will not condemn it.  Why?  Because they would have to hire personal bodyguards.  They'd be in fear for their lives.  Face it: they may be cowards, but they're not crazy.

Just reread that, then overlay it on the issue the Jews now face.

Yes, fellow Patriots, we all know why; they're afraid.  And the reason they're hating on the Jews is they aren't afraid.  Because a.), Jews represent only 1.7% of our population, and b.), the Jews tend to be pacifists.  I proclaim that the Jews have made themselves an easy target.  And they need to stop!

As I've said on many occasions prior, humans beings, like you and I, are like lions on the Serengeti.  We'll blame (or hunt down) the weakest in the herd.  Then feast away.  And the Jews have made themselves our weakest.  

I should insert about here that one of the first things I did upon arrival in Germany, courtesy of the U. S. Army, was to visit Dachau.  That's one of Hitler's most proficient Jew-killing machines.  Nearly One Million Jews were gassed in its "showers" under Hitler's order.  The German Government has decreed that this place shall remain forevermore exactly as it was the day our Allies liberated the prison.  And I was fortunate to visit.  Because my education had not included the degree of abject awfulness this place deserved.  And I'm afraid today's youth are not being told of it at all.  It is the pinnacle of "man's inhumanity to man."  It was a sunny day when I was there, yet the clouds covered Dachau.  As well they should...

I'm thinking we get that guy from NYC who started the Red Beret deal a couple decades ago.  The guy who put together gangs of Good Guys to counter the Bad Guys.  Successfully.  And have him then train all the Jews within a $Dollar phone call of Radio City Music Hall how to use guns and knives clubs and mace and tasers and terrorize and cause mayhem.  So that everyone will leave them the Hell alone!  Because Democrats are pus*ies!  You show them any sort of backbone at all and they wither.   

It's time for them to wither... 

*  More than 1,500 buildings were torched during the summer of 2020 by the Antifa and BLM thugs.  Including one Federal Courthouse and one Police Department.  14 cops were killed and another 354 were wounded.  But our so-called "MainStreamMedia" just refused to report on it.  More than $2 Billion Dollars in damage was done.  My personal favorite, 3 horses were burned to death in St. Louis when a criminal tossed a Molotov cocktail in their trailer.  Through it all only 500 arrests were made, and only 13 of the criminals were ever tried through to conviction for their crimes.  As opposed to the 4,000 indictments delivered following the January 6th Capitol uprising.  123 of those suspected rioters are still languishing in the Capitol jail.  Nearly 4 years later.  Consider that...  

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