Friday, December 22, 2023

George Soros May Be The Devil.

Georgi Schwartz was on August 12, 1930 to an upper class Jewish family in the then-Kingdom of Budapest, Hungary.  

You likely know him as George Soros, the Anglicized name he adopted.  I know him as the Devil.  

(NOTE:  This IS a personal opinion blog, right?  And this is my personal opinion.)

Anyhoo, George was born during the Nazi occupation of Hungary.  It's been reported he was paid by the SS, as a 10 or 11 year-old, to rat out the hiding places of fellow Jewish families when he was only a little demon.  But that's just a rumor.  Unconfirmed.  But however likely...

Anyway, little Georgie proved to be a real financial whiz.  He earned a full-ride to the London School of Economics, generally regarded as where economists go to die.

He was puked forth from The School with a BSc in Philosophy, and immediately when to work for a series of London's stock and bond traders.  When he thought he'd learned enough, he tried to bring down the Bank of England.  That culminated on September 16th, 1992, wish so-called "Black Wednesday."  The day he "broke the Pound," as the London Times then called it.  

The Bank of England had to restructure the U.K.'s debt and finances in order to survive Soros' shorting of its currency.  For doing so he was prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned.  Following that Soros, a felon, was kicked out of England and Europe with instructions to never return.  

He took his $Billions and wound up at a compound on the South Shore of Long Island.  That's in commie New York.  I've actually driven past it a couple of times so I can assure you it's there.  Since then he's created the "Open Societies Foundation," and a series of other Left-wing outfits to try and influence public policy.  And ya' ready for it?  He's distributed more than $35.5 Billion Dollars doing so.

And he still has, as of last September, $6.8 Billion Dollars of personal wealth left between the cushions of his expansive, no doubt made of Ermine, couch.

And who gets those $Dollars?  He used them to install all the District Attorneys in all the 50+ cities where crime has run amok.  San Francisco and New York City and Portland and Chicago and Baltimore and Kansas City and St. Louis and Seattle and Lost Angeles.  Every one with a Prosecutor that downgrades felonies to misdemeanors, and then dismisses them for "lack of evidence."

NOTE:  Lost Angeles' D.A., for example, has downgraded 53% of all felonies to misdemeanors since being elected.  Hold up a liquor store, get nabbed, wind up with a charge for resisting arrest.  Get it kicked.  Go free.  Piss off the cops.  Again. 

These socialists were selected by Soros to empty our jails and prisons, and they're doing a damn fine job of it.  

BTW, remember when the Conservative "MSMedia" railed at Bankman-Fraud using $400 million of his clients' funds to try and influence our Elections?  Soros has spent $35.6 Billion actually Influencing our Elections.  And has been doing so for more than 40 years!

It's been estimated that fully 70,000,000 Americans are suffering under the auspices of this $Dollar Dictator.  That's one-fourth of our population.  In the Biggest, and Bluest of our Cities.    

And we're still letting him do it.  Why?  You'd have to ask those in charge.  All I can do is shine a light on this outrage.  I dunno' about you, but as for me, this guy just may be the Devil.  Or at least the Devil's Right Hand Man...

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