Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Maps to the Stars Homes!

If you've ever been to Hollywood and Vine, here in Taxifornia, you've been pursued by a midget on a unicycle, wearing a pink tutu, trying to hawk maps to the stars' homes.  While you try and avoid them like the plague.  Wondering if you've been somehow transformed into an alternate reality.

Well, fellow Patriot, it struck me that those of us who think the Border down south exists to keep folks OUT, except for those with a damn good reason, know we need another approach in order to achieve that objective.

And we know we can't do a damn thing legislatively until or unless the Mumbler-in-Chief and his Open Borders ilk are shown the door.  And between now and then there will be another 5 Million Illegal Aliens stream across the Rio "Not So" Grande.  

That seems to me to be a crisis.  Even the subway patrolman mayor of New Yawk City would agree with me.  He just had to inform the overtaxed and overburdened residents of his failing City that they would be experiencing a 5% reduction, across the board, in the services they receive in order to pay for these "migrants."  5% less garbage collection.  5% less policing.  5% less teaching.  Florida, prepare to welcome some more new arrivals.  

So I'm proposing we stand back and take another look at the problem.  And come up with a creative solution.  One that we could implement around the current Administration.  And I believe I have one.  Here goes...

You know all the stars and starlets and star-others (we have 57 genders here, you know) in Hollywood are Liberal as all get out, with exception of five or six of them, right?  And how they all try and out-Lib each other, right?  And they have those 5-acre mansions with pools and the like, right?  And how they're always telling us how to live, right?  


So how about this: we get some of us together and we print up some of those "Maps to the Stars Homes," right?  With red circles around the Lib-biest of them.  And then our volunteers stand right next to our Border Patrol folks who are now functioning as the "Welcome Wagon" greeters, signing up the newly-criminal* border crossers, one-at-a-time.  By the tens of thousands.  


And we hand out our "Maps to the Stars Homes!"  With maybe some freebie coupons from Starbucks, and such.  And then these new arrivals could knock on the the previously-sanctified doors of Babwah, and Cher (and share alike?), and all the other Uber-Libs who deserve some righteous payback.

A dose of their own medicine, me thinks?  

I'm absolutely positive they'll be delighted to share their expansive digs with a few Venezuelans and Chinese and folks from Sierra Leone.  

Ben and Jerries, too.  I'm guessing they'll be happy as a clam to give us a bunch of free coupons, right?  


*    Despite what O'Biden and Majorkas and the folks at MSPMS tells us, it is currently illegal to enter the United States without permission.  A crime.  I will be writing more on this in the future, but 'til then, just be advised no new legislation is needed.  Just return to the Trump policies which reduced our illegal entries to the lowest level in more than 30 years.

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