Sunday, December 3, 2023

"Back to the Future!"

The main reason non-believers keep telling us "UFO's" can't exist, is that the nearest star with "Goldilocks" capable planets is 4.8 light years away.  

By "Goldilocks" meaning, not too hot, not too cold.  And that's waaaay too far for those "little green men" to flit back and forth.  Ergo, they can't exist.  End of discussion.  

Not critical thinking.

Since we've had more than 20,000 sightings of "UFO's" or "UAP's" (Unidentified Arial Phenomena, as the Feds like to call them) in just this Century, I think the question of whether they exist has been already been answered.  The question of who they are and where they come from, and do they mean us harm, are far better ones.  And I have a possible answer:

Since there's credible evidence of alien visitation dating back many thousands of years, and the credible suggestion that they involved themselves in our development as a species, to include even messing around around with our DNA, I'm thinking they may be visitors, from the future.

Like maybe 80,000 years in the future.

And even better, they may be US from the future!  As in, you and me!  Whatcha' think about that?  Since they're, a) here; and we have no idea where they come from or where they hang out while we're not watching them flit around; and b), Occam's Razor says they've got to be from somewhere, but not too far away.  So I'm guessing it's the future. 

Our Future!

And while you're getting your head around that, I also believe there may be a species of bipedal mammals rambling around the forested areas of the world.  While keeping their asses hidden to the maximum extent possible.  Because Homo Sapiens is a ferocious and efficient killer of its competitors.  

And if you're thinking there's not enough greenery to hide behind, there's more than 1,000,000 square miles of forest in Canada, and 1,200,000 square miles in Alaska.  Nobody home.  Entirely vacant.  Except for...

For context, there were up to nine such competitive species to ours vying for supremacy at one time, many thousands of years ago.  Like the Troglodytes.  And the Neanderthals.  And the Homo Florensiensis.  All lived at the same time and competed with each other for territory and food and even mates.  Yes, some of these species went "boom-boom" with each other.  That's why some 16% of us now carry Neanderthal genes (look it up).  

But there's a species called the Denisovans, which lived about 60,000 years ago, primarily in Asia, and was about twice our size.  However, they could easily have crossed the "land bridge" to North America during the Ice Age.  And then proceeded to compete along with those other species in the Fight for Survival.  

They lost out to us, as did all the other competitors.  We won, they lost.  And then we evolved into Homo Sapiens Sapiens.  

I'm proud to present, the Modern Human.

However, who's to say that one or more of those competitor species refused to die out?  Maybe they just figured out that a strategic retreat is the better part of valor.  As in, they ran for their lives, 'cause we humans are the "boogeyman."  We're the most efficient killers on the planet.  We are to be feared.  The Top of the Food Chain.     

Don't believe me?  Look what we did to the Dodo bird!  And the sperm whale!  And the buffalo!  And the Indians that ate them!  Oh, I'm sorry, "Indigenous Personages!"  Or something.

So yeah, on the way out the door, my bona fides on the subject are deep; my 1st cousin Kenneth Arnold is credited with having the very first post-War UFO sighting.  He was a cartographer for the Army Air Force back in 1947, flying a Piper Cub and mapping the terrain around Mount Shasta.  He's the guy who saw and photographed 9 "objects" flying nearby.  He described them as "saucer shaped" because they were flat.  He estimated their speed at 3,200 miles per hour, at a time when the fastest plane in our inventory was a P-51 Mustang at 450 mph!

He became a lawyer and married my Aunt Carol.  He told me all about his sighting as he assembled his own home-built aircraft in his basement.  He did that over several years as we awaited the unveiling.  Except, we learned that the finished product was too big to get through the basement door.  High-level thinkers are like that sometimes.  

Do with that bit of news as you will.

And for those of you who have a hard time believing these critters have been visiting us for millennia, take a look at the Great Pyramid of Giza.  2,800,00 stone blocks, each averaging 2 and 1/2 tons, stacked 481 feet high.  We're told it was built over a 22 year period for Pharoah Khufu.  Were all this true, and if you do the math, these blocks would have to have been placed every 2 minutes, around the clock.  

And oh yeah, the ancient Egyptians had no wheel, nor beasts of burden.  I tend to think these folks had a little help from, you know, up there...    

So yeah, I believe in UFO's, or UAP's, or whatever one chooses to call them.  I tend to think we're their "zoo" where they use us as lab rats.  And maybe we're where their Little Green Men get to go on extended military tours.  Like our soldiers are stationed in Hawaii.*  Say, a couple of years here, then...

           "Back to the Future."

Sorry, I just couldn't resist...

*   I read that these LGM roll up their windows and lock their doors as they fly by Earth...

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