Friday, January 20, 2023

The Sky is NOT Falling!

(NOTE:  This blog posting is NOT for my fellow Patriots.  You know, the ones who read my stuff religiously.  It's for those they know who could use a little "tune up" in terms of their education.  As in, they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.  And I'm counting on you to get the word out to them.  So let's go ahead and start, shall we?)

A few factoids for those of you out there whose education into the Earth sciences could use a little remediation:    

Factoid #1:  The Earth rotates on its axis.  (Bear with me here; it gets easier);

Factoid #2:  The Earth rotates from right to left, or East to West for those who are directionally-literate; 

Factoid #3:  The "climate," or what we scientifically-literate call the "atmosphere," that stuff we breathe, up to about 98,000 feet, rotates as well.  But strangely, it rotates left to right!  Or, for us techies, that's West to East.

And if you're having trouble with the foregoing concept, the sun comes up in the East and goes down in the West.  That's why a 8:30 p.m. football game kickoff occurs at 5:30 in Lost Angeles.  Got it?

So it's not like we can "clean up" our "climate" and then have it stick with us while we protest having to work for a living.  Whether we clean it, or dirty it, it's headed East.  Predictably.

So the "climate" they're experiencing today in Beijing and Rangoon and beautiful downtown Ho Chi Minh City, where they're not having a "climate crisis," I should mention, will be here in a week.  Bad or good, what's there today will be here shortly.  

Thus, efforts by a single city, or a single state, or even the United States as a whole, will have little positive effect on the Earth's climate, no matter what it does, so long as China and India are producing 54% of the world's atmospheric pollutants.

Which they are.

In fact, China and India are opening several new coal-fired electricity plants monthly, all while we close our coal mines and cap our producing oil and gas wells in a doomed effort to control the weather.  And what's in it.

Oh, and attempting to force our citizens to buy electric cars while more than 54% of our current electricity production power comes from coal.  And less than 8% comes from wind and solar. 

I'm reminded here about the boy who tried to hold back the flood by poking his thumb into the dike.  Which, BTW, didn't work.

And our  proposed remedy won't work either.

So, to all of you who follow the teachings of Congressweenie Alexandria Occasional-Cortex, and therefore believe the world will end in 8 or 10 or 12 years unless we abandon our SUV's, fear not; it won't.  'Cause she's the only ex-bartender who's never brought anything to the table.  And I hate to break it to you, and take away one of your central issues, the sky is not really falling.  It's not even leaning!  And you can't do a damn thing about the level of CO2 in the atmosphere, which has NOT been proven to be a "Greenhouse Gas" BTW, so long as the Chinese and the Indians are not being held to the same standard as America.  And the rest of the industrialized (civilized?) world, as well.

Did you know that Paris Climate Accords does not even require the Chinese or the Indians to invest any money or take any steps in terms of pollution abatement until the year 2030?  All while the U. S. and the European Union had to carry all the freight?  And spend $Trillions, exhausting our finances, all while the Chinese and Indians laugh at us. 

So go ahead and protest, and march, and compost, and live with your little grossed-up golf cart if you must.  But you'd do better to stop listening to the race and climate and immigration and grievance hustlers and sell your electric car and get a job and start a family and focus on doing something positive with your life.  Something we're sorely lacking as a society.  

You are NOT a victim, unless you choose to be.  And far too many are choosing to be.  Let that sink in... 

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