Tuesday, January 10, 2023

January 6, 2021.

Did you watch the January 6th, 2021 protest?

I did.  Start to finish.  I'm retired and have the time to do that sort of thing.  However distasteful it sometimes turns out to be.

And that day was truly distasteful.  Cringeworthy, in fact.  Representative Republics (ours is not a democracy) can be messy that way sometimes, and 1/6/2021 was one of those days.

What it wasn't was a "riot."  Or an "insurrection."  Or a "coup."  What a joke!  Funny to all but the room temperature I.Q. talking heads on MSPMS and CNN(LOL).  And PBS and NPR.  And all the alphabets, ABC/CBS/NBC.  They thought it was nearly the End of the World!  

But you already knew that.

Truth is, among the tens of thousands of protesters that day were a couple of dozen guys dressed all in black, with backpacks, and billy clubs, who stormed the Capitol.  And proceeded to wreck havoc.  They beat up a few cops and broke some windows and yelled and screamed.  And got arrested.  And that's just about it.

They didn't overthrow our Republic.  Nor did the guy with horns on his hat who wanted to sit in Nancy's chair.  And for that mushroom-fueled stunt he got 4 years in the Gray Bar Hotel.  Fair?  Considering that hundreds of BLM and Antifa-types burned down dozens of cities during most of 2020, causing more than $2 Billion Dollars in damages, and wounded more than 1,500 cops and killed 13 of them, with fewer than 50 ever being citied and only 11 being convicted, me thinks not.  

Did you know that Trump asked San Fran Nan to call in the National Guard to beef-up security at the Capitol in advance of January 6th?  No?  She refused.  Why?  She won't tell us.  Because she's the Queen, I guess.

And neither did the "January 6th Committee on Jailing Trump."  Somehow they were too busy to ask that question.

And why did the Capitol Police officers open the doors and welcome in the protesters that day?  Our Government, the one you and I pay for, has so far refused to tell us.  And the 1/6 Committee once again failed to explore that little avenue of inquiry.

And how many FBI provocateurs were in the crowd that day, genning them up, trying to cause trouble?  We know they were there, but they won't tell us.

And why have more than 1,000 of those protesters, some who only strolled peacefully through the building that day, been convicted of a felony for so doing?  And another 3,000 yet to go to trial?  Did you know that some 400 are still held in the D. C. jail for supposed 1/6 crimes?  Really!  Were they at the same protest I watched unfold on TV?  Doesn't seem like it.  Seems like an instant televised replay of the Salem Witch Trials, to me.

Remember, Trump admonished the tens of thousands of his followers gathered on the Mall that day to...

...I want you to walk on down to the Capitol.  I want you to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard!"

Somehow that request was intentionally deleted by the Hyper-Partisan Jan. 6 Committee when they showed Trump's quote during their hearings.  Just an oversight?

Oh yeah, our decrepit Prez and all of his Democrat sycophants continue to try and convince us 5 cops were killed that fateful day.  No they weren't.  In fact, ZERO cops died that day.  Five died in successive days, but none of those deaths could be directly attributed to 1/6.

The only person who died that day was a poor woman named Ashley Babbitt.  She was shot in the neck, at close range (4 feet!), by a Capitol cop named Byrd.  He murdered her.  He was let off without so much as a slap on the wrist.  

Oh yeah, he's the same Byrd who left his firearm in the bathroom two years before.  It was turned in by a Boy Scout who was on a tour.  Was he terminated?  No.  He's Black.

S**t show?  Oh yeah.

So no, re-remembering January 6th as if it was worse that 9/11, or Pearl Harbor, or the San Franpoopco earthquake?, is a convenient little dodge the Dems are using to hipppmotizze their undereducated followers.  

And who knows, many are so dense it may work! 

So I guess where you stand depends upon where you sit.  Or in some cases, lay.  And the Democrats wish to so politicize 1/6 that it just may become a National Holiday.  Replace Presidents Day, maybe.  Nothing would surprise me...

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