Thursday, June 3, 2021

"Blazing Saddles"

I think I know how to get rid of "Progressives."

You know, those uber-weird nutcases who thrive on taking the earnings of others, trying to control the weather, and "cancelling" people.

They've been screwing up America since at least Woodrow Wilson, and it's high time we Conservatives got rid of them.  With extreme prejudice.

So here's the plan.

     -  First, we tell them that The Donald will admit all his crimes live on national TV on a future date-certain.  

     -  Then we hijack one of the larger TV stations and lock out the management and security.  Just before Trump begins to speak.  

Except Trump won't begin to speak.  He'll be on the back nine at Mar a Lago.  This little, ummm, subterfuge, all in good fun, doncha' know, will be designed to explode the minds of "Progressive" commie weenies who are slavishly watching, hoping for some magic expose.  Casting a spell that Trump would be sent away forever.  Frog-marched straight to Leavenworth.  At the Magic Moment we'll push the button and start...

              "Blazing Saddles."

Those of us who are old enough not to be hipppmotizzzed by all this "woke" crappola will be safe.  Those of a younger persuasion will be knocked off their feet that there was a time in America when free speech was tolerated.  A movie filled with every forbidden word?  Including the infamous "N-word?"  Dozens and dozens of times?

Perish the thought!

So perhaps we can pull off this coup before America is lost forever.  The one, final, representative democratic republic in the entire world.  They're hoping for it.  We're willing to fight against it...  

Can you imagine what it would do to the simple-minded dumbass "Progressives" like the (in)famous "AOC," the only waitress in history who never brought anything to the table?  She would melt.  Like the witch in that famous story?  And all her friends in the "Hamas" faction of Congress?  And every other weenie who wants to invade our businesses and our wallets and our bedrooms and our jobs and our schools and our lives?  

You know, those same folks who are just fine with your track star daughter finishing 20 yards behind a "boy" in the 100-yard dash?  And "she" gets the college scholarship?

Just imagine a life without those who are desperately trying to ruin yours.  A life without the CPDLW's (Commie Pinko Dumbass Liberal Weenies) who have attached themselves to you and your paycheck like one of Zak Bagan's gnarliest demons.  Let's strike while we still have the chance.  

Pssssst!  Remember, let's keep this just between us taxpayers...

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