Thursday, June 24, 2021

A Soapbox in the Public Square...

What with all this "cancel culture" stuff going around, and heightened efforts to ban and confiscate citizens' firearms, I thought it might be helpful to provide those who lean a bit to the "Progressive" side, with the education they should have received in grade school, or from their parents, and most assuredly didn't.

Yes, I love long sentences.  But you got the entire idea, packaged all up and ready to be amplified upon.  So here we go.  Amplify away, Mr. Chuckmeister!

The 1st Amendment to the Bill of Rights to the Constitution of the United States of America tells us we have the freedom of Speech, and of the Press, and of Assembly, and to Petition our Government for redress of grievances, and to practice a Religion of our choice.  What all that means in practical application is that we can stand on a soapbox, in the middle of the Public Square, and spew the vilest of totally inane crap at the top of our lungs.  To anyone who will stop and listen.  Just like it they did back in 1776 Philadelphia.  In hopes their ideas would gain traction.  Which, if you've looked around lately, did.  

What a concept!  

That speech might not be appreciated.  It might be loathed.  It might even be challenged, hopefully.  But the Bottom Line is it will be Protected.  By the Amendment to follow...

The 2nd Amendment tells us all about our God-given Right to keep and bear Firearms.  All 27 little words of it.  The "...right to keep and bear arms," it says, "shall not be infringed."  That means f-d with.  At all.  And just in case that guy on that soapbox uttering the most hateful of garbage, at the top of his lungs, gets challenged by some perp who doesn't understand the Constitution and the personal guarantees it conveys, our soapbox guy could simply reach in his pocket, pull out a firearm and protect himself.  Just like they did back in 1776 Philadelphia.  And like they can do in 24 of our States today. 

The same ones which have officials who can read those 27 little words, and know what they mean, and have thus decided that their adult, law-abiding citizens may carry firearms on their persons, concealed, without permits or licensure of any kind.  While residents of the other, "bluer" states are struggling to protect themselves from those who might choose to "cancel" them.

And that, to all you "Progressives" out there, is the way it's supposed to work...

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