Saturday, September 29, 2018

Wanna' Know the Real Reason?

There's a very simple reason why the Democrats don't want Brett Kavanaugh to be confirmed to the United States Supreme Court:

$530,000,000 a year!

What's that you say, Mr. Chuckmeister?  Over Half a Billion a Year?  Yes Siree Bob!  Or Bobette, as the case may be.  

They won't say it, but I will; the reeeeel reason Democrats don't want Kavanaugh to occupy for life a nice, comfy, overstuffed leather chair behind the dais at the Supreme Court of the United States to be the next, and definitive Conservative vote at the Supreme Court,* and are willing, as recent events have proven, to do anything at all to keep him off the High Court, is that they'd fear losing their annual Pity Payment from the U. S. Treasury to Planned Parenthood (PP) of more than $530 Million a Year.

What's that have to do with the Supreme Court, you might ask?  Welllll, Pilgrim, PP gets that money from us, the U. S. Taxpayer.  And then they turn right around and give more than $480,000,000 of it right back to the Democrat Party.  In fact, more than 98% of total political donations made by PP and its employees and staff go to Democrats!** 

(It's a long sentence, I know.  But hey, it's my blog, and it's free.  Don't like it, don't read it...) 

And once again why, Mr. Chuckmeister, does any of this matter?  Well, my friends, the Dems are afraid that a lawsuit somewhere down the line might make its way up to the SCOTUS, and Roe v. Wade, the case that made abortion legal way back in 1973 could be overturned,* and with it PP's, and ultimately the Democrats,' $530 Million Bucks a Year.***  

You can buy a lot of elections with Half A Billion Dollars.  And with election victories, comes POWER!  Power which they're currently Fresh. Out. Of.  And that, my friends, is called the bottom line...

Is this all news to you?  Then you're watching the wrong TV channels...

*        (Current 5 - 4 Conservative to Liberal, would become a reliable 6 - 3 Conservative majority for the very first time in more than 70 years)

**      (Source:  IRS Tax Filings)

***    (Reimbursement for lab tests, birth control pills and more than 97% from abortion-related services)

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