Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The "ELEPHANT" in the room...

Okay, if nobody else will say it, I will:

The reeeeeeeeeeel reason the Democrats don't want to give one Judge Brett Kavanaugh a cushy, overstuffed, lifetime leather chair behind the dais at the Supreme Court of the United States, is because they don't want to lose $480,000,000 a year!  

What's that you say, Mr. Chuckmeister?  $480 Million a year?  What's that all about, please tell, sir?

Well, children, we, the Taxpayers of the United States, give that 501(c)(3) public charity, non-profit  corporation, Planned Parenthood (PP), an average of $530,000,000 a year in grants, awards and Medicaid reimbursements.*  Year after year after year.  And Democrats are afraid Kavanaugh might mess up that little arrangement if he's seated.

And those self-safe PP'ers turn right around and give $480,000,000 of it right back to the Democrat Party and to various and sundry individual left-wing politicians. Year after year after year.**  

Why?  They've got to keep that money flowing if they expect to continue influencing elections, right?  And if you doubt me, it was reported in a September 24th Press Release (not feeling it necessary to keep their election meddling quiet, are they?) that they had just earmarked another $4,000,000 in an effort to " turn the House back to Blue."

Think of it:  We give PP a wagon load of cash.  They in turn give it to Democrats, who use it to topple Republicans.  Fair?  You be the judge.  But as for me, I say, "Live and let live!"  If this is their little hobby, so be it.  Why should I get in the way?  

However, I think it's high time Conservatives had a little hobby, too, don't you?  Maybe we could just get the Treasury Department to give, say, the National Rifle Association, heretofore funded ENTIRELY by its members' annual membership fees, oh, I don't know, say $200 Million a Year.  

And maybe we could send along $100 Million to help those seeking to find shale oil tar sands deposits so we can make lots and lots of petroleum-based products to further insulate us from foreign influences over our energy requirements.    

And say, maybe $200 Million More to fund various and sundry public education programs to teach young people how to determine their gender, which has seemingly become a problem of late, and which bathroom to use, and why paying a tax to try and get the climate to improve a bit is kind of like giving a tornado the finger in the hopes that it will stop, and why socialism isn't the ideal form of Gummint, and why tearing down statues will not erase the past, etc., etc., etc.

So that's roughly $500 Million DollarsA year.  About the same, but a little bit less than PP extracts from us.  But that's fair.  They need all the help they can get.  And then these fine organizations and causes could all then turn around and donate 90% of it back to the Republican National Committee.  Fair is fair, doncha' know...

That should make us even, the Democrats and the Republicans; we all tap the rich, who pay almost all the taxes, to pay a little more so that Progressive excesses can be counteracted before they destroy our Great Country once and for all.  As I see it, there's not too much time to spare...   


(Source:  U. S. Treasury Department)
(Source:  PP Annual Statement and IRS Filings)

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