Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Federal City.

I used to live in D. C.  I was stationed there for a time while saving my country from the Soviet Union as a uniformed soldier.  And as you've no doubt noticed, I did...

You're welcome.  You're welcome.

They put me in Military Intelligence.  I know, I know.  No need to comment.  While there I became aware of some very obvious, serious, and troubling truths; the residents of Washington, the District of Columbia, our "Federal City," are almost all Democrats.  Like 95% Democrats.  And you'll soon learn why...

On any given day you could shoot a canon off down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D. C., and not hit a Republican.  The populace of "The Swamp," (a hard-earned, derisive term for what used to be a stagnant backwater Chesapeake Bay tide pool basin, and at some times of the year, still is), is made up almost entirely of Democrats, as well.  Why?

When Republicans are elected, they pack their bags and trundle off to Washington, focused intently on changing all the bad stuff that's been plaguing us 'Muricans for far too long.  Once they get there, however, they usually begin to "go along to get along," elsewise their Friday night Georgetown cocktail party invitations dry up.  And when they find out they can't make a difference, they head on back to Wenatchee, Washington, or Nachez, Missississisisipi, or Pumpkin Center, Missouri (yes, it exists), to the family farm, or lumberyard, or Chevy dealership to keep on doing what they'd been doing before.   

When Democrats are elected, however, that's for them the beginning of a life-long career.  That's the Brass Ring!  They hit the lotto!  They're headed off to D. C. to keep doing all the nasty, wasteful excesses they so dearly love while increasing them whenever possible.  And, oh yeah, to start running for reelection the day after they arrive.  

Democrats believe, wholeheartedly, in the State.  They believe that the State should be given absolutely unfettered power and control over our lives, and that we'll all be better off for having done so.  They actually believe the State (meaning the overarching, over-controlling "government," in whatever form it may take, but primarily ours) is better at spending their money then they are. They believe in growing Government, ever larger, so that it may, in turn, provide its increasing amount of largesse to an ever larger number of deserving residents.  Notice I didn't say citizens; and you know why...

And thus, even after a new and somewhat conservative administration has tried to reshape Washington, D. C. for a year and a half, upon its departure the Lobbyists and the Lawyers and the Lobbyists and the Handlers and the Worker Bees will still be there, awaiting the next wave of newly-elected, stars-in-their-eyes politicians under the mistaken illusion they'll actually make a difference for "the folks back home."  They won't.  

And that's because the cake is baked long before they arrive; the die is cast, as they say.  There are 535 lawmakers, 435 Representatives and 100 Senators.  Annnnnnd, for these few, there are more than 5,000 Lobbyists, each with almost unlimited budgets, trying their Dead-Level-Best to influence them away from whatever foolish quest they'd chosen and toward whatever their masters dictate.  

The results are predictable:  Those who are for the Status Quo, as in the "Swamp," the "Deep State," the ever-larger Gaping Maw of Gummint that sucks up half-a-trillion dollars every year more than we give it, even though we give it record amounts of our cash ($4.3 Trillion last year!), will emerge victorious; the change-agents will get changed.  With extreme  prejudice...

Here's a few little factoids for your reading (dis)pleasure:

-     7 of the 10 richest counties in America are packed tightly around the District of Columbia.

-     The average Federal employee's compensation is $112,000 per year.  Plus a benefit and retirement package that more than doubles that amount.

-     8 out of every 10 construction cranes operating in the world are humming along in and around D. C.98%,

-     There are 1,187,000,000 Federal employees in the U.S.  343,000 are working in D.C.  That's roughly half of the Metro area's total population of 703,608.  Most live outside the Beltway, the highway system that rings the City.  Those living inside, with the exception of those within the Government Zone proper, are mainly poor, Black and on Federal subsistence.  They vote on average 112% Democrat..  I may have exaggerated that a bit, but you know...

Here's the facts:  Republicans have been in charge of all three houses of the Government, House, Senate and White House, only 20% of the time since FDR was in office.  Think of that:  as Heartland Folk wax melodic when a Republican finally wins, the D.C. folk go into a deep depression; they gird their loins and batten down the hatches and fight tooth and nail and wait it out until one day soon freedom and light shall return and peace will be upon the land.  

Except in Trump's case, however.  They didn't stop with bitching and moaning and complaining.  This time they pulled out all the stops; they enlisted the assistance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and the MainStreamMedia to try and bring down Trump from the day he won the Republican nomination.  And if Hillary had won, we wouldn't have found out a Goddam thing about it.  Hmmmm...

Yes, my put-upon friends, sometimes the Democrats are not quite so pacifistic.  Some are radical, Left-wing bomb-throwers who will do anything, anything at all to bring down any attempt to return us to a smaller, more responsive and responsible Country.  And you are watching it unfold in real time...  

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