Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Hearings Are Now Over...

The Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings in D.C. for the next Justice to the Supreme Court of these United States has been happening in front of God and everybody over the past couple of days.  Did you watch it?

I did.  Unfortunately.

After watching this circus from beginning to end (retirement has its benefits...or, in this case, drawbacks), I'm reduced to a couple or three or four reeeeely big observations:  

Firstly, as they say, we now for sure have the clowns, but where, perchance, are the cars?

Secondarily, I couldn't help but notice that everybody, everybody in D.C. is a lawyer.  EVERYBODY!  The conversations are so boring, so stultifying, so gut-wrenchingly, other-worldly inane to us mere mortals that about 87% of this hearing would and should have been better placed at a NALL seminar.  

Oh yeah, "NALL" stands for the "National Association of Lefty Lawyers."

Thirdly, a subset of that thought is what happens when everybody in the future's a lawyer. Everybody... but once last guy?  I mean, 9 out of 10 of these Congressweenies are attorneys, so I'd have to think that becoming a lawyer is a prerequisite for membership in this august body.  And it's amusing to watch those who have not been thusly anointed as they attempt to minimize their own lack of educational pedigree, shuffling their little Gucci-clad feet in faux-humility   

Would all those sharkskin-suited, well-manicured, blow-dried barristers rush to sue this last poor, non-lawyer bozo out of hand?  Would they pile writ-upon-writ, subpoena-upon-subpoena, lawsuit upon lawsuit at his doorstep?  Would they just bury this dude in paper?  Would he be forced to go into the Witness Protection Program in order to get a little peace and quiet?  

Fourth-ish, how old are these folk?  I mean, I'm old, but these bozos are OLLLLLLLLLLLD!

Fifth-ish, I'm wondering if any of those aged, doddering old Senators sitting behind the dais are wearing pants? 

Sixth-th-th, I'm wondering also exactly which of these Democrat Committee Senators are NOT planning to run for Prezzzz...

And last, i.e., Seventh-th-th-th, would this last remaining  guy's only recourse be to attend law school?

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