Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Ozempic Revolution...

No doubt you're (overly)familiar with Ozempic by now.

That's the Type 2 drug from Novo Nordisk that's taken the Nation by storm.  Not because it works to lower folks' ACT's.  Which is why it was approved for sale by prescription of a licensed physician.

No, it's because it causes people to lose weight.

             Lots and lots of weight.

So people who don't have Type 2 diabetes are flocking to their doctors and getting Rx's for Ozempic.  Because it can be prescribed "off label."  Meaning a condition for which it's not indicated.  Which is legal, if technically unethical.  And God help you if you're a physician and you tell your patient "No."  He/she/it will simply go next door and find a new physician.  And doctors do not want that.  Because their patients are their source of revenue.  That stuff which buys their wives all those mink stoles.  

Ozempic works by forcing food past your gut faster than normal.  Meaning you can eat the same, but your pancreas makes you adsorb less nutrients.  Think about that: you eat like Henry the VIII-th, but lose weight.  And you get to do that by either A), having Type 2 and getting an Rx; or B), stepping up and buying it outright.  At the astounding price of $1,329.00 a month!  That's retail, but you can find it for as low as $900 if you shop around.  $900 to eat the same and lose weight.

Of course, the package insert says you must also exercize and eat less.  Ummmm, what?  You take this crap so you can lose weight, but you could lose weight by simply eating less and working out!  Which they say you gotta' do with this stuff, anyway!  And be $1,000 lighter!  

Why not save $1,000 a month by eating less and going to the gym?  Oh, I'm sorry.  That makes waaaay too much sense...

And that happens a lot, BTW.  For example, Sendenafil was originally developed by Pfizer to combat high blood pressure and angina.  Except it wasn't very good for either.  But it proved spectacular for erections!  So Pfizer marketed it for blood pressure, but "wink wink," ask your doctor to prescribe it "off label."  And they did.  By the Billions!  And made Pfizer $Billions!

And now, the fat chick in the blue pantsuit, backed up by a full choir, and orginal catchy music, blasts out that you should go to your doctor and demand an Rx for Ozempic!  So you can lose weight!

Oh, BTW, it has side effects.  Several.  Serious side effects.  Like occasional unannounced diarrhea.  Which can be somewhat embarrassing, if it occurs during a garden party.  Or your first date after having lost 100 pounds.  

And terrible stomach pains.  And upper esophagheal gastric distress.  So you can pay $1,000 a month to poop your pants at the local Albertson's, while being so sick you can't shop.

Orrr, you can change your dietary habits, eat less and exercize.  For free.  

But that'll never work!  Americans want the easy way out.  And they'll often pay to get it.  But as they often say, "Be careful for what you want, you just might get it."

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