Thursday, August 8, 2024

"Stop Digging!"

Did you know that the last Republican mayor of Chicago was William Hale Thompson.  He was known as "Big Bill," and he was mayor in 1931.  

A major part of being a Liberal is their willingness to embrace change for the sake of change.  There's not a single law or policy or procedure or rule or regulation that Liberals won't change if they think it will benefit them.  

Personally, politically, financially, historically or legally.

I mean, just look at how quickly they tossed O'Biden and his 14,000,000 voters overboard and "installed" Kamala as Co-President?  Done entirely in the Back Rooms of Washington, D.C.'s power brokers, over a weekend, when it became apparent his poll numbers were in the toilet.  

Well, here's a suggestion for something else they might wish to throw overboard:  

78% of all our heavy-duty crime, the crimes against persons and property, the carjackings and burglaries and muggings and bank robberies, eminates from our 50 largest cities.  You know, like New Yawk, ChicaGO, New Awwwlins, San Franpoopco and Lost Angeles.

And the Mayors of 37 of our 50 Biggest and Bluest Cities are, how can I say this delicately, ummm...Black.  

And have been for decades.  Chicago's mayor, and the mayors of New Awwwlins and Baltimore and Kansas City and San Franpoopco and Lost Angeles and Minneapolis and Milwaukee and so very many other cities have been Black since Christ was a corporal!  Ergo, maybe there's a correlation here.  

Maybe having a Black mayor causes more crime!  

The last White mayor of ChicaGO was Richard M. Daley, back in 2011.  Crime in ChicaGO was mucho lower back in 2011.  

Cause & Effect?

Maybe we should kick the Black mayors out and bring in some Indians (the "woo-woo" kind).  Or maybe even the "red dot" kind.  I mean, we all know they couldn't bring in White folks, 'cause you know, well, they're White!  In Black cities!  

No Jews, either.  You know that Governor from Pennsylvania?  Josh somebody or other?  Everybody knows he was the most qualified Democrat anywhere around, but he's a Jew!  So our Co-(Actual)President couldn't choose him for V.P.  'Cause of that whole Palestinian thing, ya' know.  And the fact Kamala thinks Bebe is a war criminal...

Or bring in a Pacific Islander (is the "Rock" available?).  Or maybe somebody from Taiwan (Wanna' Tie Won On?).  Or how about a Gypsy?  The Roma kind.  They're kind of a medium tan...

But that's only if they continue to hire their public officials on the basis of their skin color.      

As 37 of our 50 Biggest and Bluest Cities have.  For decades.  

             The Primary Rule of Management:  

"When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."

Having been taught by their Black majorities that Race Matters, I wonder when their voters will choose another race?  As in, when will they "Stop Digging?"

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