Saturday, August 24, 2024


That's the German word for "Desensitization."  A process Adolph Hitler's Nazi Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels used to "mold" his citizens into those who could be easily led into doing the unimaginable.  Let's see what the Oxford Language Dictionary calls it:  

Desensitize:  "Make (someone) less likely to feel shock or distress at scenes of cruelty, violence, or suffering by overexposure to such images.  'The Media has desensitized him to the horror of violence.'" 

Are we becoming "desensitized" because of the 24/7 onslaught from both our "Corporate Media" and our "Social Media," from every single angle, all day and all night long?  Or is our society becoming ever more course?  And ugly?  And self-centered?  And uncaring?  And even unpatriotic?  

And certainly ungodly.  And crime-ridden.  And scary.  And in an alarming recent discovery by me, and I'd guess half of America, even antisemitic

I grew up in a time when none of this would have been tolerated.  It would have been rooted out, macht schnell.  Done away with.  Like Giuliani erased the Mafia in the 80's and 90's.  We wouldn't have put up with gangs of theives emptying our stores.  The stores owned and operated by our neighbors.  Perhaps your neighbors.  Killing their livelihoods.  

And offering pre-forgiveness via "feelgood" Liberal insanties like "no cash" bail.  

Officially sanctioning the theft of up to $950.00 a day, per store!  And in the rare instance when a cop happens to be nearby, and hasn't yet decided that "Protecting and Serving" is optional, he just might arrest them.  Resulting in a $50 misdemeanor ticket, without a court date to appear.   

Or if the crook had resisted, and forced an arrest, he'd be back out on the street before the cop was through the booking process.  

Like I mentioned in this humble blog awhile back, the average number of arrests before imprisonment is now 37!  When you don't punish bad behavior, you get more bad behavior.  I know that.  You know that.  Why don't the stupid fools who run the Big Blue States and Cities know that?  

Or are they so far removed from the damage they've caused that it never negatively impacts them?  

Everything our society is facing hardens us.  It steels us to the outrage occuring around us.  The crimes are bigger.  They occur more often.  More shootings.  More muggings.  More carjackings.  We need to cover our ears sometimes to stop the onslaught!  It's like living in a tinderbox, never knowing when somebody's going to go "BOOM!"  You can't carry firearms, 'cause guns be "BAD!"  But they're emptying our prisons.  A total and complete oxymoron.

Thank God for food delivery services so we don't have to go outside!  

We're taxed out of our shoes.  The bozos back there in the Swamp will do everything they can to deprive us of our liberties.  To make us more compliant.  Our "Freedom of Speech" is being legislated away.  The "Right to keep and bear arms" has been erased in half of our states.  The Right to be " in your person, your papers and your effects," the 4th Amendment to our Bill of Rights, is laughed at by the road pirates we employ to protect us.  As they demand our I.D.'s without suspicion of a crime.  Likely not even knowing that they're violating our Constitutional Rights by so doing.  Or caring.

And once again, because of the incessant cacophany from our "Corporate Media," we've become numbed to it.  We've lost the ability to care, in many instances.  If for no other reason than to protect our fragile psyches.  Reports of a rapist here.  A murder over there.  Anti-Jew parades down the middle of Main Street.  China preparing to invade Taiwan.  Russia killing Ukrainians wholesale.  Iran preparing to start World War Three.  In the recent words from one rapper, "I don't have any more sh*ts to give."  

Doubt me?  Just look how hard our vaunted "Corporate Media" is working to help Kamala Harris erase her "uncomfortable" past.  Including to help insulate her from press access.  Their own access!  All TelePrompTer, all the time.  It's 1984, a few years too late.  

Just imagine how tough it is for a Republican to get elected when he's fighting not only the Democrat political machine, but also the 4th Estate.  The only profession listed by name in the Constitution.  Legislated into being by our Founding Fathers so as to guarantee us "transparency."  The only thing our Constitution's Media is required to do, and the only thing our "Corporate Media" has come to fear. 

Just as a reminder, our Washington-based press corps admitted, following our last General Election, to voting Democrat 95% of the time.  

Desensitization.  It's chicken or egg.  Were we always a flawed society?  Rome, revisited?  A Country with an Arc, with us on the downhill pull?  A Country that's guaranteed to flame out at some point, like Rome?  Or are we a Godly and just society which has simply hired the wrong people to run it?  Or permitted the wrong people to hire the wrong people to run it?

As you're the voters, it's up to you to decide.  And then to act.  

I've written for an upcoming posting that Conservatives worked hard for what they've got and want to keep it.  And Liberals don't want to work at all, and are coming after some of what those Conservatives have packed away.  It's the "haves" versus the "have-nots."  The classic battle.  It killed ancient Rome.  It just may kill us, too.

I remind my Fellow Patriots that all our "Dinosaur" Media is located within a sixteen-block area in Midtown Manhattan.  ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Newsmax, NewsNation, NPR and PBS are all located between Central Park South and Radio City Music Hall.  They are all incenstual.  They all live, work, play, eat, sleep and probably get drunk together.  And they are complicit in our societal downfall.  You expect to be told the truth when you tune in to the evening news.  Not be fed the information Dear Leader wants you to know...  

Older folks like me are metaphorically put on the iceberg and pushed out to sea.  To serve as a snack for orcas.  But be aware we take with us the generational knowledge and memory that this isn't the way things ought to be.  And when we go, no one will remember what we had, so no one will remember what they've lost.  And be forced to accept whatever the future holds.  Good or bad...

My generation's moms filled us up with cornflakes and pushed us out the door each morning.  With a warning not to come home until dark.  We made our own stuff to play with.  We caught crawdads in the stream.  We tubed down the river.  We hunted with bows and arrows we carved out of twigs.  We fished with homemade poles, using worms we dug up ourselves.  We snagged lightning bugs in a jar.  We played "spin the bottle."  Don't know what that is?


Have you become desensitized?  Or are you willing to fight to keep what you've got?  Or more likely, had?  To fight those dedicated to taking it from us.  Are you a Patriot or are you a drone?  We'll find out the answer to that existential question very soon... 

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