Friday, August 16, 2024

Are We All That Was?

We've been told for decades that civilization began in Sumer, now in Iraq, about 6,000 years ago.

That was it, said the archeologists, it was the Sumerians.  Nobody was earlier.  No other beliefs will be tolerated.  The archeological elite tend to be inflexible like that...

And then a few years ago a farmer in Turkey happened to uncover the top of what turned out to be a 20 foot tall statue.  Weighing more than 20 tons.  Delicately carved with animals in relief.  Animals that haven't lived in Turkey for thousands of years.  If ever.  

BTW, Gobekli Tepi is located close to Mount Ararat.  Near to where the Ark dropped off all those animals thousands of years ago.  

Then they discovered 5 more of them, in a circle.  And even more, there are now 5 of these stone circles.  And it's estimated they've only uncovered about 5% of the dig.  They expect to be working this dig for the next 100 years.  

There are more than 20 acres of these enormous statues.  Built by what we're told were "hunter/ gatherers."  And then we did the Carbon 14 tests on related organic material.  And found out what is now called Gobekli Tepi is 11,600 years old.  At the end of the last Ice Age.

Ooopsie!  More than 5,000 years before the Pharoahs started building pyramids.  It's obvious these folks weren't "hunter/gatherers."  They were skilled artisans and builders and mathmeticians and chroniclers of time and space.  And the movement of our planets and heavenly bodies.  A long lost society.  Of master builders.  Who the archeologists tell us simply couldn't have built the stuff they obviously built.  With a straight face.   

And then there's that pyramid in Indonesia.  It's more than twice as big as the Great Pyramid of Giza.  And more than 25,000 years old.  And one in Bosnia that's even older than that.  40,000 years old, we're old.  And 4 times as large as the one in Giza.  It's as big as a mountain.  In fact, they thought it WAS a mountain!  It's apparent we don't know as much as we thought we did...

Let's do an inventory:  There are 122 pyramids in Egypt.  That we know of.  And more than 1,000 in the Americas.  Mostly in Peru, Bolivia and Columbia.  And pyramids all over China.  And India.  There are pyramids, all looking alike, on 6 of our continents, and a suspected one, at least, in Antartica.  Since there's no way these people could have collaborated, it's apparent a supreme power was involved in the design and construction of these massive monuments all over our Earth.

In short, something caused hundreds of thousands, millions, even, of ancient peoples to dedicate so much time, effort, energy and treasure to construct monuments with no known purpose.  Which we could not construct today.  

Example?  Let's use that Great Pyramid of Giza.  The archeologists tell us it was built by Pharoah Khufu, although the only proof of that is a little 8" tall statue of of the dude they found "nearby."  But attempting to accredit this enormous monument to somebody without loads of proof seems ludicrous to me.  Regardless, this sucker remains One Big Mystery!

     -  Let's start with the fact that the Pyramid is 481 feet tall.  It was the tallest man-made structure on Earth for more than 4,000 years!  It was built using more than 2,800,000 stone blocks, each averaging 2 and 1/2 tons in weight.  They were quarried from some 500 miles away, and delivered using specialized boats via the Mighty Nile River.   How they were then lifted hundreds of feet in the air and inserted perfectly into this Pyramid, we don't know.  And it's pretty obvious we'll never know.

It was then clad with pure white limestone blocks from the base all the way to the top.  With that golden pyramidium glistening there.  It was designed to be seen reflecting the sun from up to 50 miles away.  

One could. 

But here's some of the other statistics that blew my mind.  And I'm pretty sure will blow yours as well:

     -  It was never built using slaves.*  Often as many as 20,000 artisans worked on it at any one time.  It was built by seasonal labor, 6 months out of the year, during the off-growing season, by true patriots.  Who were trying their best to insure their Boss Man gets to the promised land.  And thus insuring each of his countrymen will be saved as well, once he becomes a "god." 

     -  They artisans who built the Pyramids worked 6 days out of the week, 12 hours a day, for beer and bread, BTW.  Only.

     -  And since we can't C-14 carbon date stone, we have to take the archeologists' word for this age of this thing.  They say was built in 2,570 bc.  Others say the Sphinx is as old as 10,000 bc, with geological proof.  And the pyramids might be as old as the end of the Ice Age as well.  

     -  Size?  It sits on a 13-acre footprint.  It's sides are each 753 feet wide.  It was originally covered in bright, gleaming white limestone.  With a solid gold "pyramidium" on top.  Perhaps as tall as 14 or 15 feet.  Imagine the worth today?  Somebody else did as well, as the valuable white limestone disappeared in the depths of time.  Now probably cladding some nearby mosque.  

     -  It was built using a 57-degree angle for its sides.  A greater angle, it would fall down.  Less, it would fall down.  How did they know?  It was also built with the cardinal points of the compass uppermost in mind.  Meaning pointing to "true" north.  It was built to within 3/60th of a degree of perfection.  The most accurate large buiding on Earth.

     -  It is also built in the exact center of all the land mass on Earth.  North, south, east and west, all the continents, the exact center.  And there is only one exact center.

     -  If you take the height of the Great Pyramid and multiply it times the number 43,200, because of the Earth's "precession," (it "wobbles" on its axis) you'll get the Polar Radius of the Earth.  How did they know that?

     -  And here's a good one on which to bow out.  The exact Latitude on which the Great Pyramid sits is 299,792,458 Degrees North.  The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters/squared.  Coincidence?   You decide.  Could we build it today?  No.  Even if we could afford to pay to get it built, there's nobody who could build it.  

And that's true especially because if you divide the number of seconds in 20 years, the supposed time it took to build, through 2,800,000 stone blocks.  They would have had to place a 2 and 1/2 ton block every 55 seconds in order to make the numbers work.  Could they do that?

I somehow doubt it...

But the archeologists dismiss that fact out of hand.  They don't care.  They have their neat little theories as to how and when things were built, and by whom.  And don't try and disturb those beliefs.  Just like they felt before Gobekli Tepi was discovered.

I know how I feel.  I don't think there's any question but what Egyptians built these pyramids.  But as to who designed them, created the machinery and mechanisms necessary for it to work, and then orchestrated the construction, in the background, on at least 6 continents, simultaneously, I'm convinced it was by some Little Green Men.  Or perhaps Grey Men. 


*   The slaves that Pharoah "let go" during the "Exodus" through the efforts of Moses, and God, was Rameses II.  That was in the middle of the 13th Century bc.  The archeologists tell us the Great Pyramid was built in 2,570 bc.  That's 1,200 years earlier.  Whatever the slaves were working on, it was not the Great Pyramid.  Or any pyramid on the Giza Plateau...

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