Monday, July 22, 2024

The True Cost of a Permissive Society.

Seems to me like there's a lot of evil people in this world.  And evil people do evil things.  And I, The Chuckmeiser, propose that we're doing a terrible job of minimizing their impact, and also of "adjusting" their attitudes.    

While the D.A.'s in the Big Blue Cities are taking carjackers and murderers and muggers and armed robbers and releasing them from jail on a misdeamenors.  Some 54% of felonies are being downgraded.  To misdemeanors.  More than half of them.  In Lost Angeles, ChicaGO, New Yawk and San Franpoopco.  And dozens of other Big Blues.

And then they're freed to go out and sin some more.  The average numbers of arrests before a first-timer is sent to 38!  Thirty-eight arrests!  This would be funny if it weren't so serious...   

A percentage of our population, including moi, believe we've been "mollycoddling" (remember that word?) these miscreants by failing to mete out the proper punishment, when appropriate, and with all due speed.  Believing, as they do, that refusing to prosecute them will somehow be an incentive to stop thier evil ways.

It isn't.

I was taught while studying to become a clinical psychologist (Army got in the way), that up to 3% of our population are criminals.  Or clinically psychotic.  Or road raging.  Or drunk.  Or high.  As a kite...

And those people are at the supermarket, shopping right alongside you.  Or coming toward you at 70 mph on the other side of the road.  Or sitting next to you at Little Johnnie's little league game.  On on the bar stool beside you at the "Dew Drop Inn."  Or working with you at "Mad Jack's Gun Emporium."

And they can erupt at any time.  Or all of the time.  And that's the reason why we have to hire 3% of our population to police them.  If we add up all the cops, and sheriffs' deputies, and marshals, and constables, and military police, and all their support staffs (just double the number of cops, which is 880,000), we're looking at about 3,000,000 of our fellow citizens.  To "protect and to serve" all us peons when we need protection from these under-punished criminals. 

And I emphasize under-punished

You know, the ones who want to separate us from our wallets, and our watches, and our "Murssaydeez-Benz-es."  And on far too many occasions, our lives.

And then since sh*t flows downhill, and we Taxpayers are downhill, we need another 3% of our population to populate the courts.  The municipal, superior, district, appelate and supreme courts.  In each state.  And all of their judges.  And their baliffs.  And their stenographers.  And all of their secretaries.  And their secretaries' secretaries.  And the courthouse cleaning staff.  There are 30,000 in just the Federal court system.  There's another 115,000 in our U. S. Justice System.  There are 450 courthouses in Taxifornia, fergodssake!  That's another 3,000,000 people we Taxpayers are burdened with.    

Our society requires us citizens to obey the laws.  And proscribes punishment for those who do not.  Yet, some people find crime easier than working.  Apparently not knowing they'll be required to work in prison, I'm guessing. 

And another chunk of our population are dead-set against prisons and cops and requiring Bad Guys to be punished for their evil deeds.  For some unearthly reason.  Maybe they were just raised wrong.  So they stand in the way, often politically, of meting out proper punishment and on a timely basis. 

And speaking of which, there are the prisons.  For those who break the law, get arrested, charged, tried and convicted.  Costing this polite society even more of its hard earned $cash.  About $54,000 a year for Federal felons, on average.  And for them we have our Federal, state, city, township and Indian Reservation hoosegows, totalling  1,987,000 jail cells.  Requiring the tens of thousands of prison guards it takes to oversee these criminals.  And all the civilians these prisons need to operate.  The kitchens, and the infirmaries, and maintenance, and their administrations.  Another how many million?  Can't find the answer to that, but it's got to be at least 1 Million more.

And let me throw in at this point that every single one of our prisons is understaffed and over-criminaled.  Prisons built for one-man cells now have 3 or even 4 to a cell.  And there hasn't been a new Federal prison built in the last 25 years.  Because soft-on-crime Lefty politicians have blocked the effort. Our own BoyGuv ("Hairgod") Newsom has plans to close San Quentin, our oldest and biggest and more fearsome prison, and turn it into a summer camp for paroled felons.  


Q:  Since all our prisons are beyond full, where do we send our new felons?  A:  We downgrade their felony beef and magically turn it into a misD.  And then give them a 60-day sentence, and then suspend it, giving their comminity service instead.  Don't do it again.  Sure...

I could go even farther down this rabbit hole, but I think you've got the idea.  You chose to live in a community of other people.  And a surprisingly big chunk of your fellow citizens would steal your piggy bank, or even your life, if they thought they could get away with it.  So we pay a yuuuuge bunch of $cash to hire and train and field policing forces to protect us.  Are they?  Could they do better?  And if so, why aren't they?  

We've created a permissive society.  Some of us see what others have, and we're either too lazy or too stupid to acquire it short of lawbreaking.  We've created that.  

It's up to us to "un-create" it.  

We've got to "fire" all the George Soros bought-and-paid-for District Attorneys, holding sway in all the "Big Blue" cities, holding reign over the lives of more than 70,000,000 of our fellow citizens.  More than 20% of our population.  Stop sending accused felons home on a "no cash" bail.  And then stop being so permissive in your sentencing.  It's time to put the word out through the System that there's a New Sheriff in Town.  

(I know, I know.  It make take until November 5th for us to get that new Sheriff, but I'm just paving the way in advance.)

And if the hard-Left in this Country won't let us build more prisons, let's focus all our energies on eliminating the hard-Left!  Vote them out!  Lock criminals up!  Show them we mean business!  If you punish people for bad behavior, 

you'll get less bad behavior!

Summation:  Because 3% of our society choose to break our laws, repeatedly, we must hire another 6% or 7% of our society to clean up after them.  That's nearly 10% of our folks engaged in an unproductive task.  Think of it this way:  We could easily pay off our National Debt if we would simply start punishing our career criminals.  We've got to put a stop to this.  What part of my entirely reasonable solution to a major-league problem, affecting every single one of us, do people not get? 

P.S.  Well now, that felt good!  Once I get all cranked up on a rant I find it hard to dismount.  It's the frustrated teacher in me.  But I feel all better now.  I think I'll go take a nap...

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