Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Taxing Ourselves Into Prosperity...

As we head into the extra long Independence Day holiday, I thought I'd remind all of us of the famous words of our Revolutionary War Heroes as they shouted, 

           "No Taxation Without 


And yet, we residents of Taxifornia are being taxed out of our socks, every day, without representation.  While our cost of living goes up, every day.

You knew that 47 of Taxifornia's 54 counties are owned and controlled by the Democrat Party, didn't you?  And that the Assembly and the Senate of this once-Golden State have a Supermajority, thus permitting them to pass any law at any time for any reason.  And some of the dumbest laws imaginable get puked out from this gang of Leftists.  

Like:  These goons just voted to require auto makers to install by 2030 a magic system that makes your car honk if it if it meets any other car going 10 miles per hour over the speed limit.  And to apply the offending car's brakes if honked at(!).  

Sort of a Gubmint-sponsored "brake check."

So I thought I'd pass along the meager thoughts from an aged old Vet who just might have a point of view.  Let's see if you agree...

"A nation trying to tax itself into prosperity, is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to pull himself up by the bootstraps..."

                                          -  Benjamin Franklin

Did you know that the top marginal tax rate in America is 37%?  That means the Gubmint owns more than one-third of what you make.  And that's on an income of $630,000? 

And the Gubmint will come and take it from you if you don't cough it up willingly.  Remember, we have a "voluntary" tax system.  Rigggghhhhhtttt!!!

And yet, the mental midgets on the Left continue to bleat about taxing the "rich" for their "fair share."  And lying about the taxes $Billionaires actually pay.  It's called "gaslighting," folks!  But you already know that... 

And that fully 48% of our population pays no Federal income taxes at all?  And yet they get a vote just as big and as just as important as those who pay that 37%?  

And then we consider the Very Special Case of Taxifornia.  We poor souls who still reside here can be coerced into paying an additional, eye-watering, 14.4% on our incomes over $698,272. 

So if you still live here (fool!), and you're earning near $700k, you're paying a combined 51.1% of your income.  Did you know you had a full partner in your earnings when you got this hot job?  Did they invest anything in your education?  Nooooooo!  Yet they put their hand in your pocket and never take it out.

It's pretty obvious that only the most productive of us earn enough money to be hounded for more than half of it, by the useless politicians who somebody elected.  And perhaps those useless politicians, starting with useless BoyGuv ("Hairgod") Newsom, might want to hear that sound.  You know the one?  

The sound of that roll-up door slamming shut on those U-Haul trucks as they prepare to head East on the I-10.  For a more favorable location.  Knowing almost ANY location is more favorable.  Like Nevada.  Or Arizona.  Or Utah.  Or Texas.  Or Oklahoma.  Or Tennesee.  Or Louisiana.  Or Florida.  Or Kansas.  Or Missouri.  Or Iowa.  Or North or South Dakota.  Or Wyoming.  Or North or South Carolina.  Or Georgia.  Most of them are no-tax states.  Meaning you get to keep everything you make?

What a concept!

Taxifornia has lost more than 1,000,000 high earners who took their earnings, and their taxes, folded them over, put them in their pockets, and ran like bandits.  

Oh yeah, and you can get a concealed carry permit in any of them, simply by asking (some require a small fee, maybe $25.00).  Having been to all of them, I can recommend any of them.  

And on the subject of firearms and the 2nd Amendment, on July 1st Taxifornia just implemented a brand-new tax on gun purchases.  You must now pay an additional 11% tax on firearm or ammunition purchases.  On top of the existing 11% tax we've been forced to pay for years.  That's a 22% tax on a Constitutional Right.  

Singled out, unconstitutionally.  As if people buying new guns should be required to finance the damage done by other guns, done at other times, by other people.  Sound fair to you?  

Since cars kill as many or more folks as do guns.  A 6,000 pound missile driven by a 16 year-old into a crowd of people, can cause far more carnage than a gun.  So when do we start double-taxing auto purchasers? 

And BTW, one way to supercharge military enlistments, considering they're all below requirements, would be to eliminate Federal taxes on our Veterans.  Good idea? 

So I would suggest the bozos in Sacrascrewyou have a "come to Jesus moment."  If they don't stop trying to kill the Golden Goose, there won't be anyone left here but sign twirlers and Starbucks baristas.  And I'm no longer sure about those baristas...     

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