Thursday, July 18, 2024

A "Color-Blind" Society.

You might remember that Democrats have been calling for a "Color-Blind" society since the days of LBJ.

And since then, we, The Taxpayers, have spent more than $6 Trillion Dollars on efforts to more fully integrate Black folks into the fabric of America.  Giving them rental assistance, food stamps, no-interest loans, and extra points on their civil service and college and university entrance exams.  

Considering all that, I thought I'd take a look at what Black folks have done to integrate themselves into our society.  Ready?      

You might not know it, but there's another national convention going on this week.  Besides the Republican National Convention, that is.

That would be the "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People."  They believe in advancing "Colored" people.  Only "Colored" people, it would seem.  

Which is the only context in which you can now mention the word "Colored."  If you'd like to remain a part of our polite society.

It used to be that "Colored" was the preferred word for their race.  That's what they called themselves.  That's what they wished to be called.  It was preferable to that other word they were often called, the dreaded "N" word, the use of which now is akin to taking a dump, while naked, and spewing fielty to Donald Trump, in the middle of a garden party.  

Of course, they were also called "Negroes."  Not disparragingly, just what they were called, and what they called themselves.  They evolved to preferring "Colored" over "Negro," and we "Others" tried to stay up on their wishes.

That's the way it was where I grew up, and likely where you grew up as well.  

BTW, the only remaining vestage of that name that I could find is located smack in the middle of the "United Negro College Fund."  A fund only for "Negroes," BTW.  No other races may apply, I would assume.   

Funny they haven't changed the name, isn't it?  Perhaps it would cost too much for new stationery.

It should be known if you called one of them "Black" when I was coming up, you'd likely get knifed.  "Colored" was okay, "Negro" was okay, Black was not okay.

Now?  That's all they're called.  And that's just fine with me.  I'm agreeable with whatever makes them happy.  One big happy family, under the Flag, with the Star Spangled Banner Playing in the background.  

Excepppppt, you can't swing a dead cat these days without hitting something with the name "Black" in it.  The "Black Entertainment Network."  The Congressional Black Caucus.  And Revrund Al's "Black Action Network," which pays him more than $1 Million Dollars a year.  For being a talking head on MSDNC.

And the "National Congress of Negro Women."  And we can't forget "Black Lives Matter."  Only Black lives, no others.  And one of my personal faves, The "American Association of Black Museums."  Black museums?  Since when did they start dividing museums up by race?

And then there's "Black History Month."  Seems like if we learned their history once, should we have to relearn it every year?  

And then there's the National Association of Black Accountants.  And the Association of Black Psychologists.  And the National Association of African-Americans in Human Resources.  And out of all such Black organizations, we have to feature the "Alliance of Black Jews."  

I have to ask, how does that come about?  Does one just desire to be persecuted in stereo?    

Speaking of which, if you are Black, and you were born here, why on Earth would you call yourself an "African-American?"  At least put "American" first, okay?  "American-African" has a nice ring to it, okay?  Or maybe just American?

And then there's the National Black Nurses Association.  And the National Council of Negro Women.  (There's that "Negro" again!).  And the National Society of Black Engineers.

Now then, I've looked long and hard and I cannot find the "White Entertainment Network."  Nor the "National Association for the Advancement of White People."  Nor the "National Association of European-Americans in Human Resources."  And I must have missed when the History Channel featured "White History Month."  

So am I daft for believing that subdividing our culture by race is a fools' errand?      

It seems to me that all minority groups have a certain number of the disaffected within their ranks.  And they use those groups to shout out their grievances.  That's how the LGBTQ21AAXYZ123+++ came into being.  A bunch of tiny groups massing together to gain clout.  And I get it.  

But tell me how dividing nurses into "Blacks" and "Other-than-Blacks" to create a convention makes any sense at all?  Do they practice medicine differently?  And do Black accountants use a separate kind of math?  Or do they just hate to be around White people?  

Just think: the Jews represent only about 7% of our population, yet they are fully integrated.  I might suggest that a "Black" minority of 16.7% is no longer a minority.  It's a large portion of our Human Stew.  Coming in a close third behind Hispanics.  Maybe they should start acting like it.    

I've done a rather exhaustive Google search and I cannot find more than a dozen organizations with the word "White" in their names.  And they're all on the FBI's Watch List.  And that same Google tells me there's more than 1,000 orgs with "Black" in their names.  Maybe it's up to them to change?  

In summartion, I frankly don't care what color they are.  But apparently they do...

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