Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Biggest Bluff in History...

Happy Birthday, America!!!  And what's more  American than a good game of poker?  And the very biggest game of poker ever was played out on National TV a week ago for your viewing (dis)pleasure.  

Somebody on O'Biden's staff, knowing the Old Guy was running behind on every issue except abortion, and in every "battleground" state except Wisconsin and Minnesota, decided to run the Biggest Bluff in the History of Bluffs.

And lost.

If you'll recall it was only a few weeks ago when O'Biden's Camp issued a flat challenge to Trump to meet him on the Field of Battle.   So to speak.  

To debate him twice, O'Biden's handlers demanded, once last Thursday, and again in September.  And to have it on the Clinton News Network, a den of iniquity everyone knows is dedicated to skewering Trump and every Republican on every issue and on every possible occasion.  And that sports only about half the viewers of the Home and Garden Network.    

And the moderators had to be Jake Tapper and his ex-wife, Dana Bash.  With both on record as hating the ground Trump walks on.  They've slandered Trump on at least a dozen occasions (Google it).  Including, I might mention, Tapper having fulminated about the size of Trump's penis.

Can we say obsessed?

And oh yeah, no audience at this proposed debate in Atlanta, they demanded.  So no audience for Trump, the Entertainer, to whip up or respond to.  

And it just had to be in CNN's Headquarters.  Deep in the heart of Deep Blue Ettlanta.  And better yet, O'Biden proposed that the mics should be turned off when it was the other person's turn to speak.  Thus, no chance for Trump to bully Good Ol' Joe by speaking over him.  They were convinced that would muzzle Trump, and take him out of his comfort zone.  

And each would receive only a pencil, a pad of paper, and a bottle of water.  

There.  They penned and forwarded this metaphoric "throwing down of the gauntlet."  They were no doubt predicting Trump would come back with a demand that one or more of the proposed conditions was unacceptable.  They should change the Network, he would say.  Or the moderators.  Or demand an audience.  And such demand would enable O'Biden to crow that Trump was afraid to debate him "Any time, any place, and under any conditions!," as Trump had offered.  And then enable O'Biden to withdraw with a victory.  Mic drop.

But Trump accepted!

Within two hours.  Without any requested changes.  He took the bait.  Orrrr, perhaps he knew he'd mop the floor with O'Biden.  All he wanted was the chance.  And he got that chance.  O'Biden handed it to him.  And we all know the results.  

And the Democrat Party is in historic disarray.  

They're flying apart like a dime store watch!  They can't run O'Biden, with the Electorate now aware he's in the early stages of dimentia.  Or perhaps even Alzheimers.  Like that's a shocker to those of us who follow the news.  He's been going downhill since about the day after he took the oath.  And had his family and his doctor and his Party been truthful with us, the Voters, instead of hiding him away from the press and the voters, they wouldn't be in this Major League Box.  One they cannot crawl out of.

Why?  They can't just bypass the first Black female, who's been waiting patiently, standing by in 2nd place, bleating about abortion, making foolish sound bites and displaying her sub-100 I.Q. every time she opens her overpriviledged mouth, just waiting for Joe to die.  Minority Leader (Black) Jim Clyborn won't permit it.  Even though Kamala is dumber than a bag of rocks.  And even though everyone in America who cares knows how she got that job.  (Wink, wink).  And even though she'd be deserving of the title, "Cackler-in-Chief."  Maybe if they could convince her not to speak, she'd have a better chance.

So they ran a bluff.  I'm guessing it was Obama, but it doesn't matter.  It was the very biggest bluff in the history of bluffs.  At the very biggest poker game in history.  And Trump called that bluff.  And they couldn't back out.  With 8 days of preparation, beginning no earlier than 11:00 a.m., plus daily naps, overseen by 16 of his closest aides (we're paying this guy $400,000 a year!), he crapped his pants on National TV.

Damn, this is fun!

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