Thursday, March 14, 2024

Remember Jeri Ryan?

Jeri Ryan was Borg #9 on "Star Trek, Next Generation."  And she and her husband lived in Chicago, where that series was filmed.  

Everything went just peachy for several years.  Good ratings, the checks cashed, and our attractive babe Jeri was "B List" famous.  And then, the disease that infects half of our married population reared its ugly head; they get divorced.  

And due to her fame, and her hubby's position as an Illinois State Senator, and their desire to protect their children from unwanted publicity, they had their divorce settlement sealed.  By a judge.  In a court of law.  So that nobody would ever be able to take a peek inside and see why they got into their own personal Hell, and how they dissolved their property to get out of it.  Sealed forever.  


Unless, of course, one B. Hussein Obama wanted to have that "peek."  He was a "Community Organizer" in Chicago at the time, if you'll recall, and had his sights set on elective office.  

Maybe the Very Highest Elective Office, even.

So Barry's "Friends in High Places" managed to use some legal trick to pry open that divorce settlement.  Probably either pics of a live boy or a dead girl were discovered.  Maybe pure evil poured out, who knows?  Seems Jeri and hubby were involved in all sorts of sexual adventures involving other, reportedly willing folks.  And that this reality having surfaced caused hubby State Senator to have to resign from office.  And open it up to...guess who?  

                 Mr. B. Hussein Obama.

He ran for the seat.  He won the seat (hey, it's ChicaGO, where they haven't elected a Republican in more than 61 years!).  And...

     ...153 days later he ran for President.  

And as we all know, he won.  And the next day I started rebuilding my own personal firearms arsenal.  With lots and lots and lots of ammunition.

I'd been watching this guy for some time before he actually "pulled the trigger," so to speak.  Before he came forth with his elective goals and objectives.  But not before he'd spewed his political beliefs all over Chicago.  All over their local airwaves.  And as we all have learned, videos like those you find on YouTube are...


So I searched it.  And I found it.  And came across an interesting video in which our Barry stated openly that he'd

"confiscate every single American's firearms if he could."  

And if he ever achieved the Highest Office in the Land, he said, 

"he'd try to use confiscation to do so."  

That got my attention.  It should have gotten your attention, too.  I wrote about it in a newspaper column I had at the time.**  I wrote about it in this blog.  I alerted you we were all at risk of losing our 2nd Amendment Rights.  And it happened.

Barry executed more than a dozen Executive Orders against guns while in office.  And with the Joe O'Biden as his now-ventriloquist's dummy, a guy who brags all day and all night that he "...went after assault weapons before, and he'll do it again," I started buying guns at a fevered pace.  

    And so did about one-third of America.

And they have not stopped.  150,000,000 firearms were in the hands of Americans the day Barry Obama was immaculated.  Or so the FBI tells us.  And Americans have since been buying them at more than 3.5 million a month!  More than 500 Million Firearms are now owned by 110,000,000+ folks just like you and me!  

Not the folks in Philadelphia, or New York City, or Portland, or San Franpoopco, or Chicago, where their Left-wing politicians have disarmed them, but in the hands of those between the Sierra Nevada and the Appalachians.  Where 70% of our land and half of our American folk live.  

    And will not have their Constitutional Rights deprived.  

I owned more than 50 firearms, pistols, rifles and shotguns, on the day I was drafted into the U. S. Army.  Way back on October 31,1966.  All trick, no treat, BTW.  Since that "police action" in Viet Nam was heating up, I fully expected to die.  So I sold off or gave away my guns in preparation for that eventuality.  And then I raised my hand, took the oath, and prepared to defend my beloved Country.  In a far-off war 8,000 miles away.  

Well, I didn't die, as you've since learned.  And by the time I got home, and finished up school, and got married, and started a family, and a company, I never really saw the need to rebuild my arsenal.  Not with Nixon and not with Bush and not with Clinton, even.  He was a "good ol' boy" from Arkansas, so I knew he knew not to go there.  And certainly not with Trump, whose boys go on African safaris, fergodssake!  And living in the then-Red State of California, where we'd had Reagan for two terms, Wilson for two terms, and even Ahhnold for two terms, I had no concerns at all.  So it was a bit of a shock to see a guy elected to a Constitutional office who'd said he was coming for our guns, 

 In express violation of his Oath of Office.  

But did the "State Media" see it?  Report on it?  Naaahhhh!

So I started stocking up.  Guns, ammo, knives, food, everything.  Fortress Chuckmeister is fully prepared for the Conflagration upcoming.  Whether its with the Russkies or Commie Chinese, or even them Nawtheners in a "Blue v. Red" dustup.  With I-70 as the dividing line between "Us" and "Them."  Or perhaps with the Mumbler-in-Chief's DOJ.  Maybe good ol' Joe will send in the cavalry.  Or maybe the "Cackler-in-Chief" will be in charge by then.  I personally cannot wait to find out...  

And I know a bunch of others who are doing or have done the same.  A Good Bud of mine who lives in Minnesota just purchased his very own silo.  An honest-to-God repurposed missile silo from the Cold War!  For when the "Balloon Goes Up."  He and his Missus will be 231 feet below ground and living it up.  In North Dakota.

Face it:  We all know it simply cannot continue the way it's going.  We've had more than 10,000,000 unvetted illegal aliens from 156 countries invade America.  And another 1,000,000 so-called "gotaways."  Those whose intentions for America can only be bad.  At the invitation of our most Elder Statesman.  In direct violation of our Constitution.

I believe there will be a day when true Patriots are going to have to defend that Constitution - and themselves.  And I believe we'll be ready.  So d.m. me if you're interested in having your very own window to patrol here at the "Fortress" when the time comes.  Please note: I have a limited number of windows, and four sons-in-law, so get ahold of me pdq.  Even if you're a Reformed Democrat...

                       P.S.  I won't tell...  

*      Google it.  I don't think they've been able to scrub all of it.  Or because of their protection by State Media, they just don't care.

**     Yours Truly actually worked for a little daily paper owned by the infamous Lost Angeles Times.  They put up with me until I suggested the massacre at Sandy Hook  might not have occurred had a couple of their teachers and staff been armed.  You know, common sense.  They threw a fit, because Liberals don't believe in self-protection.  They believe the cops will come and save them when Bad Guys threaten.  They haven't learned that when seconds count, the police are only minutes away...

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