Friday, March 1, 2024

"Chuckmeister's Bullet Company!"

I've been warning about this for years.  

I've been warning our gun owners and 2nd Amendment Advocates, as well as those who really should be, that all those folks getting mugged and carjacked out there, that firearms without ammunition are very expensive paperweights.  

And that if the gun-hating Democrat Liberal pantywaists ever figured that that out, that restricting our ability to purchase and own ammunition in effect invalidates our 2nd Amendment, we'd all be screwed.  

Full stop.  We are.

They've finally caught on.  Even the dumb ones learn sooner or later.  They've come for our ammo.

Our BoyGuv Newsom coughed up a new law a year ago making folks pass a Federal Instant Background Check (NICS) to purchase ammunition.  Not guns, as it was and is intended, and is used, but ammunition.  A clear violation of our 2nd Amendment, but that's never stopped them before, so why should it now?  

It would be like the dummies in Sacramento deciding to make our gasoline $25.00 a gallon in order to "fix" global warming.  Because people just won't stop driving those "dirty" gas-powered cars.  

(Oh sh*t!  I just gave them an idea!)

Our BoyGuv has unilaterally coughed up 112 separate "executive actions" since his Aunt San Fran Nan Pelosi bought him the Guvnership.  To try and keep honest, honorable citizens from exercising their 2nd Amendment Rights.  

Besides dining at the French Laundry, this lays bare his true priorities...  

After all, to invalidate an unconstitutional order takes someone with deep pockets to file a lawsuit and pursue it through the appeals court process.  A verrry expensive proposition.  Which can take years.  All while these commie pri*ks have taken away our Rights.  And rubbing our noses in it.

As it turned out, the Shooting Sports Foundation sued.  And then lost, of course, because our courts here are filled with commie pinko dummbass liberal socialist weenies.  But they appealed.  And then a 3-judge panel of the uber-liberal 9th Circuit Court stayed that order and - voila! - we were once again permitted to be Americans.  And buy ammunition!  

For three days.  Only.

Oh but wait!!!  The full 9th (it's called "en banc") then got together, realizing they'd almost become reasonable, and voted to reinstate that bulls*it order.  I guess they woke up from a drug-induced stupor so in vogue in San Franpoopco and realized they had permitted some freedom.  

Can't do that, now can we?      

So an $8.00 box of .22's you use for target practice now costs $34.00.  You're an aging Black grandpa, living on a farm, lower income, and you'd like to hunt squirrels and rabbits to put meat in the freezer.  Like literally millions of other Americans do every day.  But now you can't afford to do so.  

Or a coyote is eating your lambs.  It'd be nice to be able to handle that little problem the way our Founders intended, right?  But no, your Overlords don't trust you.  You can drive a 5,000 pound car, at breakneck speeds, at 16 years old, but you can't be trusted to own and use a .22 rifle at 50 years old.  Too bad, so sad.   

Think of it this way:  Your fellow Democrats are in such a hurry to disarm you that they don't care about observing the niceties of your personal, God-given Rights.  Never have, never will.

Just think:  Joe O'Biden just gave away another $1.2 Billion Dollars of student loan relief so that the Black grandpa, who couldn't afford to go to college, and can't afford a box of .22's, is now required to it back in his taxes.

Talk about "Taxation without representation!" 

Those engaged in firearms competition have no consideration in the this legislation, either, even though it's well known they pose no risk.  Another class of firearms users that are negatively impacted every time one of these bozos flexes his/her/its legislative muscle.   

So what's the end goal there, folks?  The answer is clear: disarm you and make you subservient to the will of the all-powerful State.  Like Cuba.  And Russia.  And North Korea.  To which I say...

                     ...HELL NO!

So I'm hereby launching my new bizz!  It's called the "Chuckmeister's Bullet Company!" I take orders from anyone who's a member of the NRA and is interested in preserving the 2nd Amendment, for all the ammo they can possibly afford.  I then rent a U'Haul trailer.  A pretty big one, I'm thinking.  Or maybe one of their full-size trucks, if the demand is there.

And I think it just might be there.

I then I drive to just inside Nevada where it's legal and they're waiting for me, and buy all the friggin' ammo my credit card will permit.  Until my Amex Gold Card turns a light tan, I'm thinking.  And then I drag that sucker back to a secret meeting place in Taxifornia, probably a Circle-K parking lot, late at night, under the cover of darkness.  And then meet up will all my freedom-loving compadres and offload all that wonderful, freedom-giving ammunition.  To all the citizens who feel they need it to preserve their safety.  And maybe their neighbor's safety.

Especially now here in lawless Taxifornia.  

And oh by the way, I'm pretty sure this is legal.  Especially when we couch the whole enterprise as "Members Only."  Or as an "extended family."  Or maybe we'll charter it as a religious group.  Sort of like, "Ammo for Christ," or something similar.  

Anyway we have to do it, we'll do it.  

When they won't let you in the front door, you go around back.  Or you try the side door.  Or you tunnel underneath.  You keep trying until they either permit you to exercise your Constitutional Rights, or they arrest you.  And then you can sue the sh*t out of them for deprivation of Rights under color of authority!  

And I'll then use the proceeds from my little venture to buy more ammo!  To sell to your friends and neighbors!  To protect yourself from the Gubmint!*  Which is why the 2nd Amendment was written in the first place!

When in doubt, bet on America!  And Americans...

*   I love exclamation points!  It's like screaming!  Digitally!  Without fear of getting arrested for disorderly conduct!    

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