Monday, July 10, 2023

When is Heterosexual Pride Month Again?

I was so proud that June was "Pride Month!"  


Damned proud!

Wait...  What are we supposed to be proud about again?  Oh yeah, gays and transgenders in our society.  Proud of them.  Proud that they're gay?  Or proud that they've publicly admitted to being gay?  

Are they gay?  Or do they just have a closet full of stolen womens' clothes, like that dipsh*t O'Biden had in charge of our nuclear power stations?    

Or is it that they're proud of themselves?  I don't know.  And I'd LIKE to know, considering that this subject seems to command so much of our attention.  As in, all day, every day.  Piled on until I'm ready to puke.  

But whatever it is, I'm sure as Hell proud...

When is Heterosexual Pride Month again?  Is that now, in July?  Or is it in August?  Or another month yet to be named?  After we've celebrated Little People Month?  And Vilitigo Sufferers' Month?  And perhaps Gypsy Roma Appreciation Month?  

Or does LGBTQIRSNRAASPCA+++ "Pride Month" go on every month?  Stuffing it down our collective throats?  Whether we like it or not?  

As I've opined on many other previous occasions, we seem to be running our once-Great Country for our minorities.  For those who have no majority.  Not even a plurality.  Which is how we used to determine what our citizens wanted from their Government.  Majority dictates.  Majority controls.  Majority is in charge. 


Except.........  If we're talking about LGBTQABCDEFG++++ issues.  Then apparently a tiny minority, in a coalition of other tiny minorities, all glued together to produce a slightly larger tiny minority, which apparently is all that's needed for the tail to wag the dog in our so-called "MainStreamMedia" these days.    

So, I hereby declare all the other months besides June as "Heterosexual Pride Month."   

I never used to think being "hetero" was something to be proud about.  Because I was born that way.  Just, as we're told, over and over and over, the "Alphabet" folks were born their particular way.  If so, great.  So then, I guess I can now be "proud" about someting I had nothing to do with, too.  Like being born White, I guess.  Or Black, should that be the case.  Or Yellow or Red.  Or best yet, a mixture of all four!  

Is this really productive?  Shouldn't we be talking about something else?  Something that could make the turnstyle turn?  Something that house the homeless or feed the hungry or clothe the naked?      


Now then, our sexual appetites and expressions are more or less baked in at our time of birth, no matter how hard we try to suppress them.  But since that "tail" I spoke about above has decided we should all make our sexual proclivities public, I suggest we come up with Pride Months to celebrate our "Hearing."  And maybe our "Eyesight."  And perhaps even our sense of "Taste."  

And just like we all go out and drink a margarita on Cinco de Mayo, I suggest we all go out and get laid to the heterosexual partner of our choice, at least once, in support of our very own "Pride Month."

And then maybe brag about it on FaceBook and Instagram and Linkedin and Twitter and Truth and all the other media platforms.  Be "proud" about your entirely normal sexual preferences, Mr. and Mrs. and "Other" America!  Be Proud!

There's only one problem that I can see, fellow Pilgrim, 'cause I'm in Taxifornia.  And in Taxifornia there are 57 genders.  Or so they tell us.  Now then: how are you supposed to know which of the 57 genders that cute babe at the end of the bar has chosen to identifies as, before you ask her if she'd like a drink? 

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