Monday, July 24, 2023

The Answer. Finally.

Forever, we citizens of the U. S. of A. have been subjected to a never-ending barage of nastiness and gaslighting and snipping at our heels from the anti-gun brigade out there.  They blame firearms for what their owners do with them.  They want our weapons taken away.  For some strange reason. 

Maybe so we'll be more compliant?

You know what they say, a disarmed society is a compliant society...

But in the meantime all these harpies have been screaming that guns are more deadly than cars!  At the top of their lungs!  Yet, they don't seem all that concerned about placing blame upon the driver.  Instead of the car.  When everyone knows you can put a 16 year-old behind the wheel of a 4,000 pound missile and he can wipe out an entire family.  On their way to a church social.  

Which is more dangerous?  A 16 year-old kid with a .22 rifle, or a 16 year-old kid with a Corvette?  


So The Chuckmeister,* a guy who just barely passed math, but who has the geometry of a pool table all mapped out, has come up with a unique mathmatical formula that reduces this whole thing to a simple equation.  Are you ready?  Here goes...

     -  According to the National Transportation Safety Board, 42,795 people died from all sorts of auto accidents in 2022.  

     -  And, according to the Center for Disease Control,** 44,310 people died by gunfire of all types in 2022.

We're getting somewhere, now aren't we?  You'll note those two numbers are not statistically different, one from the other, so for the purposes of this lecture, let's just consider them even.

     -  Okay then, that same NTSA tells us there are 290,800 automobiles in America.  Cars of all types.  Got it?  

     -  And the FB of I (which, I remind you, we can no longer trust) tells us there are approximately 495.400 Firearms*** in America.  Owned by more than 100,000,000 citizens.  

With me so far?  Okay.

     -  So then, there are 40% more firearms in 'Murica than there are automobiles, even though the number of cars and guns are about equal.  

     -  Therefore, seems to me that you're 40% more likely to die in a flaming car wreck than being gunned down by some crazed gangbanger!

Howevvvvver, if you subtract the firearm deaths occurring regularly in Chicago, and Baltimore, and New Yawk City, and Portland, Seattle and Lost Angeles, and all the other Big Blue Cities, like New Orleans, and San Francisco and Philadelphia, where dying by gunfire is as regular as rain, then America becomes the safest Country on Earth!   

Because about one-third of us are armed.  And considered dangerous.  And they, the gun-grabbers, don't know which of us are in that dratted one-third column.  But they're doing everything they can to find out.  

Pluuuuuuuusss, a car can weigh several tons!  A bullet?  Less than an ounce.  Think of it this way:  Would you rather get run over by a charging, 2,500 pound Cape Buffalo, who thinks you wrote him a bad check, or ventilated by a small chunk of lead, weighing less than one-tenth of an ounce?

That's about it, folks.  My mathmatical comparison is now complete, and all those Brady Bunch and Moms Demand Yada Yada can put it where the sun don't shine.  

NRA, you know where to send the check...  

So you now know that cars are statistically far more dangerous than guns, unless you live in Chicago.  Or those other dens of iniquity I mentioned up above.  

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.  No applause, please...  

*      Doncha' just love folks who talk about themselves in the third person?

**     Could somebody tell me why the CDC, those folks that seem to think we should all be wearing masks, is in charge of tracking our firearm deaths?  Are bullets diseases?  Or do they just consider them so?

***   That same F B of I tells us there were 150,000,000 firearms in America the day B. Hussein Obama was immaculated.  Just imagine: Obama scared the Electorate so much that, in a short 15 years, he was able to triple - TRIPLE - our gun ownership.  That's why he's been called the Greatest Gun Salesman of All TIme...

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