Saturday, July 22, 2023


It would go a long, long way toward convincing Americans who didn't own slaves, that they should cough up some reparations money to the benefit of those who were never enslaved, if those folks would maybe change their "official" names.  From "African-American," to perhaps...


From "Puero Rican-American" to "American-Puerto Rican."  From "Mexican American" to "American Mexican."  From "Insert your favorite country here," to, well, you get the picture.

Just my opinion, fellow Patriots, and God knows, I've got lots of them. 

And that quest for reparations has gained quite a bit of speed of late.  The people up there in San Franpoopco are Hell-bent on giving away the farm, the one they don't own, to anyone who might possibly identify as Black. In fact, they've just published their more than 1,000 page** report on why they think Black folks should receive not less than $1,200,000.  Each.  Plus a whole gob of other freebies.  Like no mortgage payments and free college and loans without paybacks.  

Why are they doing this?  Perhaps because the Democrats fear they're losing the Black Voting Bloc (they are), and the Republicans are trying their damndest to woo them away (they are).  For the first time, like ever.  After all, if the Democrats ever receive anything less than 80% of the Black vote in a General Election (they never have), it would be a political earthquake.

And they know it.

So I have this question that's been eating at me for decades: if our Black folks are Americans, true Americans, why don't they choose to advertise it?  Proudly!  Unlike "American Indians" (more commonly known these days as 'Indigeneous Personages,') our Black population chooses to go by "African-American," as opposed to "American-African."  Whasssamatta?  You like Africa more than you like America?  And yet you want us to give you reparations?  

 Has Africa ponyied up any cash lately?

Don't they know that Black people enslaved Black people more than White people ever did?  There's a historic fort on the Ivory Coast where Blacks auctioned Blacks to other Blacks for more than 200 years before the first White slaver ever got in the game.  

Did you know that?  Do other Americans know that?  Would it change opinions if it were known that Blacks enslaved Blacks for centuries before Whites ever did?

So I've got this question:  Why not "American-Africans?"

I'm willing to forego any reparations due me for 620,000 White soldiers who bit the dust in the Civil War, including a great, great, great uncle of mine, freeing those now "African-Americans."  Didn't their death warrant, at the very least, that we designate the "American" before "African?"  A country which has given them nothing?

Am I the first dude to ever think of this?

In fact, I hereby make the motion that, henceforth, all minorities here in the United States of America which wish to dip their beaks into our famous social welfare system, make sure that their offical names start with "American-."  

My feelings are hurt.  How about yours?

*    The SFO reperations deal requires only that all applicants "identify" as Black.  Not "BE" Black, just identify as such.  BTW, I've identified as both Black and gay, and also a Gypsy, for years.  And I'd happily adopt transgenderism for a few $Million Bucks, if that's a requirement.  When does that check arrive, again?

**   1,000 pages?  How could it possibly take that many pages to say I'm Black and I'm pissed and I need some of your money, right now?    

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