Tuesday, November 29, 2022

"Good and Hard."

We've learned a lot of stuff since the Mid-Term Elections, I'm thinking.  Stuff that we might oughta' have learned before the Election took place.  And here's some of that stuff... 

We've just learned our friends in Pennsylvania love $5.00 a gallon gas.  They must.  They voted to continue it.

And we've learned that PA's folks also don't seem to give a damn that 100,000 of their fellow citizens will be forced out of their jobs in the mines because of their votes.  Joe said so.  And another 120,000 will lose their jobs bringing us oil and gas.  They'll also join the ranks of the unemployed.  And waiting for those mystical "green jobs" to appear.  That never seem to show up.  Why?  The not-so-terribly-bright and easily-sold folks in PA voted for it.  Let them stew in it.

And we also learned that the risk-averse folks in New York State don't seem to mind crime all that much.  They told us they did before November 8th, but they must have been lying to us.  And also themselves. Because they're not all that concerned about it.  They couldn't be, else they'd have voted to get rid of it.  But they didn't.  They voted to (re)elect a person who's never been elected.  And also never, ever had an original idea.  One who's as vacuous as a light pole.  But that's okay, the Democrat won.  And in that State, that's all that counts...

But hey, that's better than electing a Senator that can't form a sentence.  The modern version of "hire the handicapped."  That's a new one...

And the citizens of Illinois indicated via their vote that they want criminals released without bail, almost no matter what the crime.  We know they do, 'cause they voted for it.  And come January, they'll get it.  All of their criminals except 1st and 2nd degree murder suspects will be released on their own recognizance, without bail.  While the Democrats continue in their never-ending quest to outlaw firearms.  So their citizens cannot protect themselves.  And they must want it that way.  'Cause they voted for it...   

And we learned that Democrats accepted more than $80,000,000 in campaign donations from a twerp in shorts, who seemingly ran this generation's most "successful" Ponzi scheme.  From Bermuda.  Where there is no financial oversight.  And that's A-Okay with the Democrat Party.  They're just bummed 'cause he was planning to give them $1,000,000,000 (that's $One Billion!) in the next Election cycle!  They took his tainted money, but will they give it back?  I guess we'll see...

And they loves their crime, too, these Illinois Democrats!  They must.  They voted to reelect the very same porky $Billionaire who helped cause all the crime in Chicago.  A guy who spent more than $100,000,000 of his own money to get elected 4 years ago, and another $139,000,000 to get reelected this year!  He must reeely like that job!  And he must reeeeeely hate Illinois!  And IL's citizens must reeely like high body counts...  

And we learned that Pennsylvania also reelected a dead guy.  Yes, they really did.  One Anthony "Tony" De Luca (D-IL) died on October 9th.  But he was reelected to Congress on November 8th.  And they didn't even try to hide it.  They didn't try to substitute another candidate.  They knew they had it in the bank.  They laughed about it.  Before the election.  Pretty funny, doncha' think?

And we learned that "abortion" is of such major importance to a large chunk of the Democrat electorate that they'd ignore every other concern to get more of it.  So much so, it seems, that it surpasses inflation, and crime, and the high cost of energy.  I wonder if they know that half the states permit abortion until the baby starts the second grade?  And that the other half will likely give them an all-expense paid trip so they can get one of their very own?      

And additionally we've learned that after unceasing efforts by Democrats to defund our police, all types of crime, as well as police response times thereto, are on the increase.  Murder rates are up for the first time in more than 20 years.  Rape, robbery, and property crimes are up in double digit percentages all across the Fruited Plain.  People are scared.  They aren't sure they can continue to weather this economic storm.  They were hoping and praying that "normalcy" would return.*  

But apparently only half of our voters felt this way.  The other half?  They want more of it!  Those I've noted appear just fine with things the way they are.    And so a quote from the famous theorist H. L. Mencken seems appropriate about here:  

"Democracy is the theory that the common man knows what he wants and deserves to get it, Good and Hard!

*  Just a suggestion, fellow Patriots.  If you don't have a firearm, buy one.  Or three.  And then learn how to use it.  Learn well, for if things continue unabated, you just might.  

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