Sunday, December 26, 2021

"...Transforming," Part Drei...

My third, and hopefully last, such retrospective is hereby sent your way, humble Patriot.  I hope you enjoyed my previous two.  However, there are a couple or three things remaining yet to be said.  And I'm saying them, right here, right now... 

     -  I'm guessing most of you didn't know 18 months ago that our so-called "MainStreamMedia" is nothing more nor less than the the publicity arm of the Democrat National Committee.  And it acts like it.  The Washington Press Corps happily admitted that 95% of their members voted Democrat in the last Election, so there you are.  You also might not know that our "MSM" is the only profession enumerated by our Constitution.  We needed, and need, a vibrant, knowledgeable and free-thinking journalistic corps.  With a few notable exceptions, our "MSM" has proven we don't have one.  And guess what, "MSM?"  Our public knows it!  They know that the CNN's and MSNBC's and ABC's and NBC's and CBS's and NPR's and PBS's of the world spew almost nothing but biased "disinformatia."  Look at Fox' ratings compared to CNN's and MSNBC's, if you need some proof*...

     -  And now, to our schools.  While we were working our asses off to pay our outacontrol property taxes, which are primarily needed to pay for our schools, some of the folks in those same schools have apparently decided to teach "Critical Race Theory" and other decidedly socialistic subjects.  When parents found this out, and began to complain at school board meetings, loudly, the Fit Hit The Shan!  Parents started to get involved in their kids' education, demanding that "Critical Race Theory" and other divisive subjects be removed from the curricula.  One could say that the incoming Republican governor of Virginia was elected over this singular issue.  And I would predict it will take a front-row seat in our upcoming Mid-Term Elections in 2022.  A few parents, looking over their kids' shoulders while they were Zooming from home, ferreted out "CRT" and brought it from the shadows to mainstream thought.  It seems we dodged a bullet, America...

     -  And lastly, I'd bet that the vast majority of you out there in InternetLand actually believed that your Government worked for YOU, and was on YOUR side.  And I'd bet that the vast majority of you now have come to believe that our Federal Government is steeped through to the core with career Leftist bureaucrats who could give a sh*t about America.  I've lived in D. C.  I know for a fact there's a "swamp," if you will, of very powerful, unelected politicians and lobbyists who actually control both the policies and the debate.  I believe they care only about seizing power, and then retaining it.  They've seized it.  They now sense they're about to lose it, Big Time.  And they're screaming like stuck hogs!  Sen. Mansion poked a hole in their boat with his refusal to go along with "Bill's Back's Better."  Watch out, America.  They will suffer an ignominious defeat next November, and just might have to be dragged kicking and screaming from power...

So there you are.  I know, I know.  I sound like a grumpy old fart who has nothing but bad stuff to report, and even worse stuff to predict.  Yeah, well, I didn't vote for the mangy old pri*k in the White House.  Those who did are responsible for this mess.  Don't shoot me.  I'm just the messenger...

The Chuckmeister...

*     CNN began 2021 near the top of cable TV ratings.  Now, as 2021 closes, Fox is rated Number One, and CNN is rated number 25.  Just behind the Home and Garden Channel.  Yeah.  That just about says it all...

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