Thursday, December 23, 2021

...A Mr. Pelosi...

As we stumble headlong into the holidays, bereft of the leadership we as a nation so desperately need in order to feel safe and secure and on the right track, which is why we have a Federal Government, I remind my readership that I, The Chuckmeister, am an inveterate optimist.

No matter how bad things get, and trust me, they are bad, I was trained back in the good ol' U. S. Army that they can surely get worse, and likely will.  In fact, the Army often made things that way, but that's another story.  "Embrace the suck," as they call it.  And adopting that mentality enables one to smile when our National Train has run off the tracks.  When there's hole in our collective balloon.  When the twirley thing stops twirling and the plane starts pointing down.  And I'm smiling, fellow Patriot, because I know there's not a damn thing I can do about it.  Except continue to shout from the (figurative) rooftops that there's a feckless bozo supposedly running things back there in D. C., but I'm pretty sure this is really the Third Term of Barry Hussein Obama.

But as we rumble, waddle, careen and stumble into the Holidays, I'd just like to remind you that it could be worse.  Oh yes, children, far worse.  Yes, even though a few links have fallen out of our supply chain, and inflation is sky-high, and criminals are doing "smash and grabs" throughout the Nation, and our southern border is wide open, and gas prices are through the roof, and our international partners are laughing at us, and O'Biden has turned off our oil and gas tap, and the Wuhan Virus is running rampant, and our store shelves are bare, and even though the White House Dog is biting people, I have to remind you that things could certainly get worse.  

Yes, much worse.  You could be Alexandria Occasional-Cortex' boyfriend.

You could be Maxine Water's husband.

You could be Ilhan Omar's brother...

Or you could be Billy Jeff (Blue Dress) Clinton.  Need I say more?

So pat yourselves on the back, fellow Pilgrims, you somehow made it through the Very First Year of American Socialism.  Or, the Fifth Year of the Obama Presidency, whichever you prefer.  And if you can keep your powder dry, we just might make it through to next November.  That's when the next Federal Election just might turn the Democrat Party into a mere shadow of its former, would-be communist self.  

So, as I sign off, I'd like to wish each of you who put up with me throughout 2021 a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  Congratulate yourselves, fellow Pilgrims!  You're lucky!  

Somewhere out there is a Mr. Pelosi...  

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