Tuesday, December 21, 2021

"Fundamentally Transforming," Part Deux...

The response to my last blog posting, a true "then vs. now" comparison, has been truly remarkable!  

I must have hit a nerve, as my tens and tens of rabid followers latched on to that bit of linguistic legerdemain to an extent not recently seen.  They want more, they say.  They want even more retrospective as to how things were "b.c." (that's "Before Obama"), versus how they are now, which is "p.o." (that's post Obama).  That's why I add the "O" in front of his name when talking about our current feckless POTUS.  And I, The Chuckmeister, with a capitol "T" to go along with the "C," because if "The Donald" can do it, so can I.  Let's go:  

     -  Ex-POTUS Billy Jeff (Blue Dress) Clinton said abortion should be "safe, legal and rare."  Now, two decades later, about half our "bluest" states believe abortion for the little darlings up until the start of pre-school should be a-okay.

     -  Back in 2009 our schools mostly taught the "3-R's."  Readin," writin," and 'rithmatic.  Now?  It seems they're teaching our kids White people are the Devil and Black people need to be held by the hand in order to successfully navigate the rigors of life.  

     -  Police were "first responders!"  Life-saving heroes in our time of need.  The folks who protect and serve.  Remember them?  Those folks?  The ones we threw flowers at their feet in gratitude for risking their lives amid a pandemic.  Now?  Our big-blue cities have declared war on cops, blaming them for all the ills their decades of failed leadership have wrought.  They've defunded them, removed their immunity and then taken away their crime-fighting tools.  Many of those cops have taken the hint and run for the hills.  And then they wonder aloud on the Left-leaning cable news channels why they now have an out-of-control crime wave!  There's a thing in life called "cause-and-effect."  Except Liberals' brains lack the gene to either recognize that "thing," or even discuss it...

     -  Obama abandoned Iraq to the Islamic caliphate, and with it an untold number of our citizens and interpreters and allies.  Trump had to go back in and fix the mess Obama made.  Yet, O'Biden just abandoned hundreds of our citizens and up to 30,000 of our allies and interpreters when he bolted from Afghanistan.  It seems that doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, all while they're getting the same terrible results, is proof of their insanity...

     -  District Attorneys in "Big-Blue Cities" used to prosecute the crimes their police brought to them.  No more.  Now?  George Soros has bought and paid for the installation of uber-far-Left D.A's. across the fruited plain.  Perps break the law, cops arrest them, they're out on the street before lunch.  And the resultant crime wave has shocked the nation.  Funny, all the very best plans to remanufacture America conjured up in the Yale faculty lounge all go down in flames when put to the test.  Don't believe me?  Look at Venezuela...

     -  When Barry was POTUS we were importing 70% of our oil from those Middle-Eastern maggots who drive gold-plated Rolls-Royces, which we paid for.  Then, until just recently, we had drilled and fracked and scooped our way until we were producing more than 100% of our oil needs.  More than any other country on Earth, as a matter of fat.  And even exporting it as a way of competing with communist countries.  What's not to like?  Success, apparently, as our "climate warrior" Joe O'Biden declared war on America's hydrocarbon self-sufficiency.  All while begging our Middle-Eastern OPEC enemies to produce more to bail out his flagging poll numbers.  Can you say hypocrite?  I just knew that you could... 

     -  Men peed in the men's room when Obama was first elected, and women peed in the women's room.  Now?  Men pee wherever the Hell they want to, and will find a lawyer to sue you if you object, and usually just after winning a women's swimming meet...

     -  Shoplifting was a crime back then.  A crime that got you prosecuted, especially if the amount stolen was over a state's magic $ number to make it a felony.  Now?  Get your shopping basket, and your calculator, and go to any store in any "Big-Blue" state and start stealing!  Up to $950.00 here in Taxifornia!  You just turn around and walk out!  And they can't stop you, for fear of getting sued civilly.  We call it, "Live Better for Less; Shoplift!"  Gotta' tell you, that "five finger discount" sure does help offset the awful inflation we're experiencing.  And God, is it a help to retirees on Social Security!  

So there's a few more.  If you need me to keep on observing, and commenting, just let me know.  Just like your local pusher, I'll provide you with a fix... 

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