Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The "Balkanization" of America...

Ever hear of "Sarajevo?"  

That was the scenic locale for the 1968 Winter Olympics.  A bucolic, winter wonderland of hills and valleys, ski slopes and ski lodges, replete with smiling tourists and toned athletes, all living out a lie in front of the entire world.

What's that you sayin' there, Mr. Chuckmeister?  Okay, fellow Patriot, I'll tell you.  The minute the Soviet Union fell, which would be the day after Christmas, 1991, I believe, the Bosnians and the Herzegovinians and the rest of that Balkan crowd all around Sarajevo, which was the capitol of "Yugoslavia," the name the commies gave it at the time, started shooting each other once again.  Just as they'd been doing for more than 1,000 years.  And the only thing that stopped them from doing so was when the Soviets threatened to kill them all first.  

Religion, doncha' know.  Muslims and Christians don't get along so good together.  Haven't in the longest time.  The Soviets kept them from killing each other while it was in charge by using heavy tanks and rockets and oodles of soldiers and threats of death.  Until it ran out of gas.  literally and figuratively.  And once it did, the "Hatfields and McCoys" there started up once again.

Sort of like what's happening now in Afghanistan.  And what happened in Viet Nam in 1975.  Got it?  

Need a reminder of who all was involved?  Yugoslavia was a "construct" put together by the Soviets, consisting of the previously-independent nations of Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovinia.  All mumbling to themselves, "My enemy's enemy is my friend."  Or something like that...   

America is quickly being a modern-day Sarajevo.  Many of our states are openly talking about secession.  In a recent national poll fully 61% of us said we'd positively considered voting for secession as a substitute to our current situation.  

And what's that situation, you might ask?  Not if you're a regular reader, you wouldn't.  Just if you happened to drop in from the Clinton New Network or MSPMS?  Well, for one thing, our Federal Government has abandoned our southern border states, leaving any immigration enforcement action to the impacted states themselves.  The Federal Government is not enforcing our immigration laws!  They are breaking the law by not enforcing the law!  They are making a habit of looking the other way whilst more than 1,200,000 illegal aliens have illegally crossed so far this year!  

And that why 11 of our states have begun sending their National Guard and State Police to Texas to aid with its self-defense enforcement efforts.  In fact, Texas has promised to finish Trump's Wall, even as it sits unfinished in the harsh Texas sun.  And we're paying $Millions in fines to those who should be building it.

(Late news yesterday tells us O'Biden has incurred more than $2 Billion Dollars in fines and leasing fees so far NOT building the Wall!)  

TX Gov. Greg Abbott has started a GoFundMe site to help raise money for this project, believing he'll need perhaps $250 Million.  And I predict it will be impossible for our so-called "MainStreamMedia" to ignore such an action once it begins.    

However much they'd like to.  And have tried desperately up 'til now...

Perhaps America should look more like Europe.  Did you know there are 27 different countries in what we euphemistically call "Europe?"  And that the "Europe" we're talking about is about the size of Texas?  Did you know all that?  Well I'm here to tell you that there's room for at least 27 separate countries here in America.  After all, we have 50 states.  And each operates, per our Constitution, as an independent "country."  And maybe it's time they started staking their claim on the "New America:"  The Box the new Countries are going to come in.

When you consider there's only about 582,000 people in all of Wyoming, for example, and O'Biden's already illegally imported twenty times that number just this year, it's important to get a move on.  He or his handlers are dead-set on changing America's electorate, one illegal alien at a time.  They've so screwed the pooch that Americans will no longer buy into their failed Democrat programs.  So I think they think all these new illegals will vote Democrat.  So this is a good way not only to rejigger their own electorate, but to also expunge American soil of those pesky Conservatives at the same time.  

So I say everyone knows Spain has nothing in common with the Netherlands.  In fact, they've been seafaring competitors for hundreds of years.  So why should they be in the same country?  They shouldn't!  And aren't!

So why should Texas be in the same country as Massassacchuussettss?  Or Oregon?  Or Taxifornia?  It shouldn't.  Nor does Florida have anything in common with New York.  Except successfully raiding its population, of course.  So it just might be time to "unleash" our respective states from the "yoke" of the Constitution.  Perhaps they can do better individually, competing with one another for citizens, and for tax money.  Sort of like the city-states of ancient Greece.  Prepare yourself for the New America! 

Spartacus, where are you when we need you?

My evidence?  Florida has sent 500 Highway Patrolmen to Texas to aid with their Border enforcement efforts.  Kristy Noem of So. Dakota is sending 50 National Guardsmen.  Florida is sending 500 Guardsmen.  Can you see a new "Coalition of the Willing" gearing up here?  In 21 of our states you can buy and carry a firearm today, without any further license than the 27 words in the 2nd Amendment.  And yet, in 21 of our states you'd do hard prison time if you got caught with an unregistered firearm, concealed or not.  Florida's Disneyland has never closed.  California's Disneyland just opened.  For the first time in 15 months.  

And all the while not a word of any of this appearing in your daily news?  Not a word on CNN(LOL) or MSPMS or NPR or PBS or CBS/NBC/ABC.  Crickets.  200,000 illegal aliens pouring across our southern border each and every month, and "our" MSMedia is depriving us of that information.  

Take a look at a map of the United States.  Imagine what it might look like if our States were permitted to bind together with like-minded others?  Imagine what it might look like if the original 13 Colonies were to return as a voting bloc?  And if the South were to rise again?  Every state south of the Mason-Dixon Line returns to Southern, Constitution-loving values.  Imagine if the plains and mountain states were to declare themselves independent from those who think they're inbred, toothless, racist rubes.  Those same folks who eat their food.  And drive their cars.  Up to now, at least. 

Imagine if California were to break into 3 or 4 or even 5 separate states, each aligning with a simpatico neighbor.

I could go on and on.  And so could you.  Let your imagination wander.  You could go to sleep and wake up a short time in the future being asked for your passport to drive from Tennessee to Pennsylvania.  Or Kansas to Colorado.  Or Idaho to Oregon.  If you and I desire for these here United States to remain "united," we've got some work to do.  Europe hasn't done real well over the eons as a bunch of independent countries, and neither would we...

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