Friday, July 16, 2021

America Didn't Import Slaves!

Grab a beer or a glass of wine and get comfy.  A bit longer than my usual long-ish diatribes, but here's a few things you should already know, and if you don't, 'tis worth your time to find out:

People imported slaves!  Individual people!  Farmers!  Plantation owners!  Not our Country!  Because our Country hadn't been born yet!  More than 150 years of slave importation occurred before there was an America.  Got it?

Exqueeze me, I have to catch my breath.  I got a bit carried away there.  So lemme' calm down and bring it to you the way your Scribe Without Portfolio always has; straight down the middle, with a slight tilt to the right.  So here goes...

The Central Focus of so-called "Critical Race Theory," I'm told, is that America began when the first Black slave's foot touched North America.  That was in 1619, we're informed.

Often.  Waaaay too often...  

In other words, the authors of this "Theory" tell us America didn't exist until a slave arrived.  Self important, much?

They tell us not to believe that America started the day its Founding Fathers declared independence from an authoritarian foreign power.  A Declaration that united 13 disparate Colonies into one United Country.  In the North.  Up there.  Not down there in Plantation-land.  

The difference between the two is about 150 years (and about a thousand miles).  From 1619 to 1776.  And the proof the "CRT" folks provide us that America was, and is, racist, is that we fought the Civil War to preserve slavery.  That's patent hors*it, of course, but hey, lying pays pretty well.  Just ask the should-be and hopefully will-be red-headed felon who wrote it.  And who's making millions promoting it.  

Some people used to make money promoting phrenology, too, and I'd say the two have a lot in common...

Those who were never adequately educated in the finer points of history, like when America began, for instance, cannot really be expected to know they're having smoke blown up their collective arses, now can they?  We're witnessing proof of that unfold every day on our TV screens...     

So, just to disabuse anyone of any false assumptions or beliefs about America, what it was, and is, I'm offering up this little personal treatise.  The very best of what I know.  Read up, America, and learn:

                              ///  ++  \\\

I was taught in school that even before there was an America, southern cotton farmers imported about 1.7 Million African slaves.  They did, we didn't.  And then used them and abused them unmercifully.  Beat them and savaged them and raped them and worked them.  And those in the South wished to maintain slavery even though the North later threatened them with War if they did.  After their WAS an America!  It was their economy and they'd fight to maintain it, they said.  And War resulted.  And more than 620,000 of our young men, from both the North and the South, died defending their particular points of view.  320,000 Southerners died attempting to maintain their slave (read "cotton") economy, and about 300,000 Northerners succumbed attempting to outlaw and eliminate it.  Yes, we were all taught that.

(BTW, do the heirs of Northerners killed trying to overturn slavery deserve reparations?  And if so, from whom?  Perhaps from the heirs of Black slaves?  Maybe our V.P. is the one to address this issue?)

And I was taught we mistreated the Native Americans to an awful degree.  We forced them off their land and killed those who wouldn't go.  First we killed all their buffalo, and then we marched them from their homelands and on to distant "reservations."  Land so poor no one else wanted it.  Reference "Wounded Knee" if you need more evidence.  Yes, I was taught that.  In school.

(BTW, you and I can meet up for lunch at the Pechanga Casino here in Temecula.  Perhaps the very best "Indian" casino in all of America.  It looks more like the Four Seasons.  We gave the "Indians" a monopoly on casino gaming here in Taxifornia 23 years ago, and we made about 2,000 total Indians $Multi-Millionaires.  Long story, just go with me here.  Pay-back?  Youbetcha'...)  

And I was taught that our schools were segregated by a bunch of southern states.  They would simply not let go of having lost the Civil War.  Blacks were not permitted to go to school with Whites, they said.  Or to each lunch with them.  Separate drinking fountains and all that.  And thus a completely second-class educational system was maintained.  That could not be permitted to stand, we said.  "Unconstitutional!" America shouted as one.  So Federal troops were sent in to overturn that travesty.  Yes, we learned that in school.

(BTW, didn't we throw $6,000,000,000,000 (with a "T") at those "Great Society" programs in an effort to mitigate any lingering effects of slavery?  Any remaining guilt American might have had?  "Affirmative Action" and all that?  An extra 5 points on your Civil Service exam, and all that?  Remember?)

And we learned that our railroads needed to be built back in the 1850's, and we needed somebody to build them.  So we conscripted a bunch of Chinese laborers, tens of thousands of them, to do the building.  Mostly against their will.  We worked them and beat them and thousands of them died.  But that was okay because they were Yellow.  Yes we learned that in school.

(BTW, have we yet given the Chinese any casinos yet?  You know, in pay-back?  Sort of a "Mea Culpa?"  I didn't think so...)

And we learned that we forcibly took half of Mexico as the spoils of war via the "Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo."  From those poor Brown people.  Who attacked us.  That piece of paper that ended the Mexican-American War.  We won, so we stole half their country.  We could do that.  They're lucky, frankly, that we didn't take the entire corrupt, dusty place.  I think we should have.  Yes, they were lucky.  And yes, we were taught that in school.

So lemme' do an inventory here; we crapped on the Blacks, we dumped on the Indians, we pooped on the Chinese and we shat all over the Mexicans.  Did I miss anybody?  That covers the entire pallet of colors.  And we Americans - White Americans, too - were taught that in school.  As least I was taught that.  I'm afraid many of our younger generation, were not.  

Yet, even after all of this, in spite of all of this, I'm still happy to broadcast my undying love and loyalty and fealty to America, my Country.  The very best Country on Earth.  People make mistakes.  People make mistakes on behalf of countries.  And both people and countries can earn absolution.  So there...  

The far-out, crazed Looney Liberals want to institute the teaching of "Critical Race Theory" in our schools, k2-12.  They say that needs to be done because our educational system doesn't teach what "might" have happened.  I say we don't need to teach a "Theory" about what "might" have happened, when we can teach actual "History."  You know, facts vs. opinion?

(Just a quick question on my way out the digital door: If America is such an awful, terrible, racist place, why are more than 200,000 people breaking in, illegally, via what used to be our Southern Border, each and every month?  From all over the entire world?  All while the "CRT" flim-flam artists keep telling us America is "Institutionally racist?"  I'll give you a minute...)

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