Saturday, July 31, 2021

Masks, Part Drei...

Pardon my bloggishness, but I just had to add this tiny bit of useless pabulum to my last full-throated screed against masks.  I had intended that one to be my last (beating a dead horse, and all that), but the scrawny old coot in the White House made an additional commentary necessary.

Are you beginning to get it, Mr. and Mrs. America?  Are you beginning to understand that those on the Left who had enormous power dumped into their laps over pandemic abatement are understandably hesitant to now give it up?  They LIKE being in charge!  Even though they couldn't pour piss out of a boot, they're magically in charge, and they're not giving it up!  They want all their little minions to be dutifully masked and quiet and all respectful like.  They want them back in masks.  

Rat now!

The O'Biden Administration has just issued, as you no doubt know, another of its little Executive Orders.  This one requires you to do something you were told you would never have to do.  And by the same guy.  Promised, in fact.  As if that matters any more.  You've been told you must wear your ineffective little plastic masks again.  Indoors.  While undertaking certain tasks and in the presence of certain people.  Uuuuber confusing!!!

Apparently there was some non peer-reviewed medical study out of India that indicated an increased spread of the new (and improved) Delta Variant from previously vaccinated people.  Since it wasn't peer reviewed, we don't know whether or not the conclusions it reaches are meaningful.  Nor are they likely to be global in reach, even if reproducible.  So, the study is trash.  It's useless.  Except to those looking for a reason to reimpose a mask mandate.    

In other words, being vaccinated is no longer insurance against either getting the bug, or transmitting it.  Except I emphasize again, the study was not peer-reviewed.  That means it's just some guy's opinion, valuable or not.  But that opinion was valuable enough to Joe O'Biden's now highly-politicized CDC that he went back on his word and re-imposed the mask mandate.  Once again unnecessarily complicating our useless, plebian little lives.  

But for whom, and when, and where?  Well, I have the answer.  And here it is:

New Guidance will shortly be, you must wear now wear your mask outdoors or in.  In other words, always.  From the time you get up in the morning, until you go to bed at night.  Got it?  It's really that simple.  They cannot get more intrusive and ridiculous that this, so this is likely where they'll wind up...

And BTW, they do not care if this imposes on your freedoms.  Freedoms?  You have no more stinkin' freedoms!  Just obey.  

NOTE:  It used to be "Mask on, mask off."  Now it's "Mask on, mask on."

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