Sunday, July 4, 2021

Men With "Assault Weapons"...

To all of you who are getting ready for the Big BBQ, for the parades and the baseball games and the family vacations, and for celebrating the 4th of July, just remember that this holiday, and your freedom, was brought to you - bought and paid for - by Americans brandishing "assault weapons."

The British had issued arrest warrants for our patriots Sam Adams and John Hancock, and were on their way with 700 "Redcoats" to Lexington to find and arrest them.  And to also seize our cache firearms and means of bullet-making so we could no longer defend ourselves as a People.  

An early example of "gun control," don't you think?  

The Brits were understandably concerned about the buildup of our "Minutemen."  Those of our early Colonists who could be ready to fight in "just a minute."  And most of them were armed with Kentucky flintlock "long rifles," those miraculous, six foot-long jewels were so good at their jobs they could knock a man off a horse at 600 yards.  Our earliest form of "Assault weapon," I assume.

Our Colonists response to the arrival of the British Regulars came to be known as the "Shot heard 'round the world."

Had our forebears not been quite so keen on freedom back then, we'd likely be speaking with a British accent today.  And even more concerned about whether Harry and William can reconcile. 

So as we celebrate today with hots dogs and parades, let us also give thanks for the brave souls who fought and died for their freedom and our own.  And also for the fact that 100+ million of us own more than 450 million firearms, so neither the British, nor any other power, including our own Government, would dare ever consider another Lexington; another effort to disarm us as a People.

A word to the wise should be sufficient...

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