Saturday, April 3, 2021

Why I Do What I Do...

If anyone out there in Internetland has ever wondered why The Chuckmeister does what The Chuckmeister does, every day and every night, in fair weather or foul, while suffering the slings and arrows of discrimination felt only by those who wish to keep some of what they earn, despite the unceasing efforts by inveterate socialists to redistribute it to others, in exchange for their votes, here's your answer:*

Hypocrisy"The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; Pretense."

Joe O'Biden informed us all in his first (and perhaps last, from the reviews it received) press conference the other night that he intends to gut the "filibuster."  Not to get too much into the weeds, here folks, but that's the last tool in the tool box for the Senate minority to protect its few legislative rights against a rampaging majority.  Whether Democrat or Republican, it can work both ways.  And has, many times over the decades.  He says he's on that quest because the filibuster has become the new "Jim Crow" law the Right is using to tamp down the rights of the minority.  

If you recall from civics class way back in high school, you'll recall that the filibuster has been in effect since 1807, thus calling to question O'Biden's claim that it's a "Jim Crow" law.  Just another, bald-faced lie.  And it's been used hundreds and hundreds of times since.  

In fact, it was used 53 times during the Trump Administration.  All by Democrats.  In fact, again, the most recent time it was used was when then-Senator Kamala Harris filibustered Senator Tim Scott's (R-SC) 2020 immigration reform legislation.  She's a Democrat, remember.

And he's Black, remember?  And so is she, sort of.  Remember?

So much for irony there, right?

So Mr. O'Biden was a yuuuuge champion of the filibuster during his entire 147 year Senate career.  But now, when it's more politically conveeeeenient, he's flip-flopped.


Or, as I prefer to say, he's just plain lied.  Like a rug!  For he's a hypocrite, fellow Patriots.  He was, he is, and he likely always shall be.

Unless, of course, he's just plain senile, and isn't aware enough to know the stuff somebody wrote for him to read is total crap.  Not a good choice, but you choose.  An inveterate liar, or an old fart in pre-cognitive decline...  

And the reason I write this unassuming little blog is to call your attention to these bottom-feeding leaches  where they live.  Like O'Biden.  Who squinted straight into the camera the other evening, unblinkingly, with that cold, hard, vacuous, ice-blue, lights-are-on-but-nobody's-home, 20-mile stare, elevator-doesn't-go-to-the-top-floor and plain-ass lied.  Over and over and over.  And over.  

Because he's a hypocrite!  I think it's sort of like a religion to these socialists.  They must have to lie so many times every 24 hours or they lose their club membership.

Now, I don't mean to single him out; he's just one of the lying, swamp-dwelling hypocrite politicians who've been put on Earth to ruin your petty, insignificant little proletariat, wage-earning lives.  And mine.  And they're working overtime toward that goal.      

So, fellow Patriots, you've been warned.  Those of you who voted for the crusty old guy with the pen, believing he'd be mucho better than the Orange Man with a Tweeter, do you understand now?


(P.S.  Oh yeah, I thought I'd add, Mr. O'Biden voted for 700 miles of Border wall when he was a Senator back in 2006.  And the very first thing he did upon being immaculated as POTUS?  He "cancelled" the Border wall.  Which he simply cannot, contractually, do.  So the cost of building it continues, even though it...doesn't.  We, the taxpayers, are bearing some $1,000,000 in daily costs and penalties because of Joe O'Biden's breach of contract.  It will now cost us taxpayers more not to build the Wall now than to simply finish it.  And the courts may well force O'Biden to restart the Wall.  But until then the illegals are pouring in through the unclosed areas.  Thousands every day.  People like O'Biden just don't know when to stop, now do they?)

*  Yes, it's a longish sentence.  I specialize in them.  Wanta' make somethin' out of it?


  1. You spelled "leeches" wrong.

    1. You are correct, sir. My Spellcheck is down. With you available, I'll no longer need it...

  2. You spelled "leeches" wrong.

  3. You spelled "leeches" wrong.


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!