Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Ain't No Fun When The Rabbit Got The Gun!

A dusty cowpoke wandered into the Long Branch Saloon back in the Old West one day, bellied up to the bar, and just happened to accidently bump into the stranger next to him.  What do you suppose he said?

"Excuse me, sir!"

That was because that stranger next to him was well armed.  And so was he.  And so was everyone else in the place.  And he didn't want his ass shot off by someone he'd offended. Someone he'd "disrespected."  And so the potential kerfuffle ended before it began, because an armed society is a polite society... 

I have a question.  Don't you think it might be a good idea to start making potential mass shooters afraid of their potential mass victims?  Instead of us cowering in fear, how about we make prospective murderers cower in fear?  I'll show you how...

A crazed bozo shoots up a supermarket.  Or a mosque, or a shopping mall, or a church.  Within seconds you'll find Democrats with microphones in their faces calling for more gun control.  They'll say once again we should remove from the potential mass shooter the tools of his potential mass crime, and he won't commit it!  Hey, I have an idea:  

Instead of scaring the public about guns in the hands of crazy people, how about we start making potential shooters scared shi*less of guns in the hands of their potential victims?

They are in Florida, because Florida has a vibrant and effective and popular concealed weapons carry system.  This has resulted in some 1,150,000 Floridians now packing heat.  That means more than 6% of all Floridians are carrying concealed.  

More than 1 in 20.

The same can be said of any number of states. It should be said of them all...

Do you think anyone would go duck hunting if only 5% of the ducks were armed?  

My solution to mass shootings is to arm more people.  We're told that the answer to prohibited or otherwise unacceptable speech is...more speech!  That takes care of the 1st Amendment.  I say the same should be said of the 2nd Amendment.  

12 states now offer what's called "Constitutional Carry."  That means our Constitution is all that's needed to put a gun in your pocket and go grocery shopping.  That's the way it works in Arizona, and Maine, and Alaska, and Nebraska, and Mississippi, and North Dakota, and Oklahoma, etc., etc.  Iowa just voted in Constitutional Carry over this past weekend!  That's in contrast to some cities and states that make it almost impossible to buy and carry a firearm.  Chicago's only gun store, for example, is located inside the Main Police Station, and is only open from 10:00 to 2:00, on alternate Thursdays.  You think I'm kidding, don't you?  Look it up if you doubt me.  Could they make it any more difficult for Chicagoans to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights?  And this, the same city where there's an average of 35 shot every weekend, and 8 of them die?  

Consider this: had a few more grocery shoppers been armed the other day, I'm suggesting that this massacre might well have had a different outcome.,,

It's been estimated that serious crimes are thwarted over One Million Times a Year by a "good guy with a gun."  That's thousands of times every week!  The so-called "MainStreamMedia" just chooses not to report it...

Like I make it a point to say, after all of this, if you happen to be among that crowd who wears silk underwear and drinks Chablis, with your little finger held high in the air, and won't stoop to actually defend yourself or your family because it's so, ummm, "distasteful," at least find a nearby knuckle-dragging neighbor to handle the task.  

In fact, have your wife ask him for you...

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