Tuesday, April 27, 2021

"Systemic Idiocy"

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Have you noticed?  The socialists who are running things here in America keep accusing us all of being racists.  Joe O'Biden tells us we're all racists.  His Sidekick Harris tells us the same thing.  Except she seems happy about it.  That po' Haaavid educated Black lady on MSPMS tells us White people we're all racists.  The "Single White Female" who conducts press conferences at the White House tells us we're all racists.  Jeeesh!  I'm beginning to get a complex!

They accuse us of living in a place where there's "systemic racism."  Now, I don't know who coined that term, most likely a wimpy little pantywaist who's never been out of Foggy Bottom, but look up its definition on Google.  It uses the word "racism" in the definition of "systemic racism."  I was always taught by my beloved English teacher, Ms. Wall, that if you have to use the word you're trying to define in the definition, you're basically full of s*it.

She didn't say that, I did.  But hey, we already knew that.  Let's get past that.  And I'm here to try...

I've decided that instead of getting my hackles up at being constantly called a racist, because, as they say, I live in a place where racism is endemic, I'll turn the tables and agree.  I've decided that there are really "Two Americas."  Not the Two Americas then-Dem POTUS candidate and busy philanderer John Edwards used to carp about, but the Two Americas that exist between those Left-wing bomb-throwers who are calling the shots, with their hands on the levers of power, and the other half of America which has no problem whatsoever with race.  

Including mine.

It seems if you live on the Upper West Side, or the tony Hamptons, or in San Fran Nan's San Franpoopco, or where the Hollywierd stars all hang out, and you look all around you,  you see racism.  Everyone is a racist!  The doorman is racist.  Your driver is racist.  Your nanny is a racist.  Your boss is racist, even though he's Black.  The guy who tunes your Aston Martin is a racist.  Fox News is racist.  Tucker Carlson is a racist.  Everyone who doesn't live in the "right place to live," is a racist.  

All Republicans are racist.  Trump was a racist, the "Big Orange Racist," and everyone he ever met is a racist.  And their "MainStreaMedia" will report the "news" as if they and their chosen political party are pure, and all those "other people" are racists.  So yes, to them, their Amerika is really a safe enclave from the Barbarians at the Gate.  Just think of it this way:  everybody but them is a racist.

And don't you forget it.  

Oh yeah, if you find yourself disagreeing with either my accusation or my chosen remediation, then you probably get your news from Yahoo and Google.  And it's you for whom I feel sorry.

So we don't need to "fix" America's so-called "systemic racism" problem, because in my opinion, one doesn't exist. "They"  very well might, but "we" very clearly do not.  So I would say their continued harping on the subject is either a strategy to help their preferred Democrat Party, or they should get out more.  Take a drive out past the Hudson River Bridge.  Go out into the hinterlands.  Places where ordinary folks live and work and play.  Places where they build cars and grow wheat and fell trees and farrier horses (look it up).  Places where they build houses and fill prescriptions and drive trucks.  And places where they think your brand of politics, most likely, is laughably weirdly dangerously scarily humorously, way off base.

As if you even care.

So here's the deal, as they say.  We aren't "systemically racist," whatever that is.  You might be, and likely are, if you even bring it up.  Remember Bull Connor was a Democrat.  Remember the Ku Klux Klan was started and manned by the Democrat Party.  Remember that every Democrat voted against the 1966 Voting Rights Act.  Remember your fair haired boy Sen. Robert Byrd, was the "Exalted Cyclops" of the KKK.  He was a Democrat senator for more than 50 years, and drew raves at his passing by nearly all those serving today.

Including Joe O'Biden.  And his boss Obama.

So no more finger pointing, shall we?  You go ahead be a racist if you want to.  You may well be a racist if you live in NYC.  Or SFO.  Or LAX.  Or any of the other socialist strongholds.  But from now on I intend to just ignore you when you set about  spewing accusations like a fire hose.  And I recommend my fellow Conservatives do the same.  Just ignore them!  Tell them you know their little secret.  That you always blame others for the things you yourselves are doing.  Tell them to come back when they've grown up and wish to join with us as a contributing member of society...  

Until then, in my book, they'll all have "systemic idiocy."   

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