Monday, February 22, 2021

The Trump Impeachment Channel...

What are the Democrats going to do now that this second faux-impeachment trial is over and The Donald has departed Foggy Bottom?

I'm betting they've dreaded its conclusion, as thereafter they'll have to rely on recordings to relive those glorious days.  How long has this been going on?  Weeks?  Sure seems like it!  I'm guessing our friends at MSPMS and the Clinton News Network will be playing video cuts from this "trial" for weeks.  And from the Capitol "riot."  Months.  Years, even.  I mean, every TV network besides Fox and a couple of other little ones have been making bank on Trump for at least five years.  They've been "All Trump, All The Time!"  24-7.  Ad infinitum.  So what are they going to do now?  They'll have to...GULP! the news?  

Puleeeeze!  Instead of trying to make these Left-wing lifestyle channels act like real, honest-to-God news channels, and given that the Democrats amongst us are getting a cathartic buzz off this clown show, I say, why not give them more of what they crave?

I suggest that some hedge fund $Billionaire or two start the "Trump Impeachment Channel."  It could roll unending footage of the Democrat Impeachment Managers making their long, exhaustive, tiresome charges in each of the two ill-fated impeachments, and the Capitol "riots" for posterity.  Although I doubt they could reasonably be called "riots."  More like "protests," I'd say.  Sort of like the "protests" that broke out in Portland and Seattle and New York City and Minneapolis and Rochester and so many other Big Blue Cities all summer long.  

Except less deadly.  By far.  So long as we're counting here, we incurred more than $2 Billion Dollars worth of damage to our largest and oldest and "bluest" cities during these incessant "protests," along with 5 police officers killed and more than 2,100 wounded.  "Protests?"  Ummm, I don't think so... 

Anyway, this Channel could be there forever so that Democrats, even after this is all over, whether or not The Donald comes back to town to haunt them ever again, they can watch it late at night and revel in just how great they handled this whole thing.  Sort of like political porn.  

Trying to remove a man who'd been removed.  Hadn't they noticed?  I'd say eye exams are in order for these bozos...

So anyway, "The Impeachment Channel" could even boast a few moderators, and guest pundits, and authors, and statesmen (and women and members of the other 55 genders), to comment on how the trial went, and how they could have done it better, and why "The Donald" is perhaps the very worst person who ever lived.  The Channel could even have a segment on which former Presidents could be dug up and impeached for perceived "crimes" while they served.  Starting with Richard M. "The Richard," Nixon.  How'd he get out of town without being impeached, anyway?  Didn't he erase something?  "Impeach him!" 

Anyway, just an idea.  I have lots of them.  I come up with them all the time.  Old age, drugs, alcohol and a tinge of insanity causes that.  And some I write about on this unassuming little blog.  As by now you no doubt know.  

God, it must be amazing being you...

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